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Learn with Apple: Get Started with iPad for English Language Learners

These 60-minute UFT Apple workshops are designed especially for New York City educators. Join your colleagues in exploring the ways that Apple devices can support learning in your classroom. In this hands-on workshop, we will explore the powerful learning and teaching features built into iPad to support all learners, including English language learners. You'll discover how to use gestures, work with text, enable accessibility tools and multitask with multiple apps, all of which can enhance instruction for diverse student needs. Be sure your iPad is updated to the latest iPadOS.

Learn with Apple: Get Started with iPad for English Language Learners

These 60-minute UFT Apple workshops are designed especially for New York City educators. Join your colleagues in exploring the ways that Apple devices can support learning in your classroom. In this hands-on workshop, we will explore the powerful learning and teaching features built into iPad to support all learners, including English language learners. You'll discover how to use gestures, work with text, enable accessibility tools and multitask with multiple apps, all of which can enhance instruction for diverse student needs. Be sure your iPad is updated to the latest iPadOS.

Learn with Apple: Get Started with iPad for English Language Learners

These 60-minute UFT Apple workshops are designed especially for New York City educators. Join your colleagues in exploring the ways that Apple devices can support learning in your classroom. In this hands-on workshop, we will explore the powerful learning and teaching features built into iPad to support all learners, including English language learners. You'll discover how to use gestures, work with text, enable accessibility tools and multitask with multiple apps, all of which can enhance instruction for diverse student needs. Be sure your iPad is updated to the latest iPadOS.

Learn with Apple: Get Creative with Mac

These 60-minute UFT Apple workshops are designed especially for New York City educators. Join your colleagues in exploring the ways that Apple devices can support learning in your classroom. This is an introductory workshop for educators new to macOS. It focuses on building foundational skills to help educators feel confident and prepared to use Mac in their teaching practices.

UFT Teacher Centers are friends indeed

UFT Vice President Mary Vaccaro writes that Teacher Center specialists with extensive teaching and coaching expertise in New York City public schools offer support, professional development, collegial advice and access to resources and materials that...

Educators take a breath

Two-hundred educators and their families gathered in Queens for a day of wellness and fun. They heard from MindUp CEO and founder Goldie Hawn and took part in activities and workshops to nurture their mental and physical health.

Getting reading down to a science

UFT President Michael Mulgrew oversaw a panel of UFT Teacher Center literacy district coaches who discussed the progress and pitfalls of Phase 1 of the rollout of new phonics-based literacy curricula in 15 New York City districts.

UFT provides support for phonics-based curricula

Hundreds of UFT members took advantage of a free UFT Teacher Center course on the science of reading in July. The course, which combined in-person and virtual learning, was part of the union’s effort to support educators as the Department of...

We’re your home for professional learning

UFT Vice President for Education Mary Vaccaro writes that the UFT Teacher Center has been a leader in providing New York City public school educators with high-quality professional learning for more than 40 years. The program recently has begun...

Centers of attention

When Cara Jacofsky began her teaching career 23 years ago, she was determined to become the best teacher she could be for her students, so she connected with the UFT Teacher Center. “The first few years of my teaching career, they would plan lessons...