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Frequently Asked Questions

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A list of the most commonly asked questions.

Who serves on a School Leadership Team (SLT)? How do members get chosen/selected?

School Leadership Teams are established in each school. The principal, chapter leader, and Parents Association (PTA) president must serve on the committee. SLTs must include other parents and staff (pedagogic and/or non-pedagogic) from the school. SLTs also may include students (a minimum of two students is required in high schools) and representatives of Community Based Organizations (CBOs).

Parent and staff members must be elected; other members may be selected. Every SLT develops their own bylaws to decide their method of election and selection of members, which happens on a yearly basis. 

Who supervises preschool children during their lunch?

The Pre-K Center Handbook recommends that the school programmer stagger the teachers’ and paras’ lunches so that one of them can be present during lunch.

Are there any regulations/rules about how physically large a classroom has to be in size?

Guidelines state that classrooms should be large enough to give each student a minimum of 20 square feet of space, exclusive of wall cabinets, heat sources and other permanent architectural features. The only exceptions to these rules are for classrooms containing students with physical disabilities and kindergarten children, both which require a minimum of 35 square feet. 

Non-standard and sub-divided rooms with less than the required number of students on their register may be eligible for an exemption to these regulations, but each circumstance must be officially approved by the DOE.

What rights do nursing mothers have to express breast milk while at work? What help/accommodations are available to meet their needs?

DOE employees needing to express breast milk at work have the right to a lactation space. In accordance with state labor law, updates have been made to the DOE's lactation accommodation policy

DOE employees needing to express breast milk at work will be provided with paid break time of 30 minutes each time they have a reasonable need to express breast milk during regular work hours and during any per session hours worked and will be permitted to use their existing paid break or mealtime if they need additional time for breast milk expression beyond the thirty minutes. 

Principals/office head must identify a lactation space that could be made available if an employee needing to express breast milk at work requests a lactation space. 

An employee needing to request a lactation accommodation must complete and submit a Lactation Accommodation Request Form, including any proposed schedule of breaks and indicating if the employee needs a lactation space. Employees should make this request as far in advance as practicable, such as before returning from leave. The principal/office head will respond to a written request for a lactation accommodation as quickly as possible, but no later than five business days after receiving the request.

See the DOE's personnel memorandum for additional guidance.

What is the class size limit for music instruction courses?

In elementary and middle/intermediate schools, the contract is silent on class sizes for music instruction. It is the Union’s position that no class in elementary school should exceed 32 students (25 for kindergarten and 18 for pre-K) or 33 students in middle/intermediate school, with the exception of Title I schools.

In high schools, the class size limit for required music classes is 50, which applies to performance courses like band, orchestra, chorus and music survey classes. However, for specialized instruction classes that are neither required for graduation nor performance courses, the standard high school class size limit of 34 students applies. Music classes limited to 34 students are analogous to subject classes in their content and instruction.

How are A+ courses graded? Is there a grade I need to receive in order to be granted credit for a class?

Approved A+ classes are graded according to the grading policy of the provider/instructor. You must pass a course in order for it to count towards the second salary differential. 

Can I take any A+ course I want or do they have to be in my subject area/grade level for credit to be granted?

All A+ courses are aligned with the Chancellor's priorities and meet high-quality standards. Teachers may take any A+ class they wish.

How frequently will the ASPDP catalog be updated, and how far in advance can I see the full catalog? Will the same courses be offered each semester? How can I find out when new classes are added?

ASPDP offers courses over three semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer. The course catalog for each semester is published shortly before the semester begins. Sign up to receive the ASPDP newsletter for updates on when the catalog is published. Courses offered through ASPDP will be accepted for A+ credit.
In order to ensure that we are providing the highest quality and most relevant courses aligned with the current Chancellor’s priorities, course offerings will change from semester to semester and we cannot guarantee that a course approved for A+ will be approved every semester in the future. 

My salary differential application wasn’t approved. How can I appeal the decision?

For salary differential application questions, contact the Office of Salary Services through HR Connect at 718-935-4000.

How do I apply for a salary differential with my A+ and other credits/courses? When and where do I submit my application?

You must file your salary differential via the salary application portal. Please consult the DOE guide below for deadlines for filing the salary differential application:

When using ASPDP courses to apply for a differential, you will be asked for a "school name," which doesn't apply to these courses. Instead, select "other" and enter "ASPDP" instead. 

If you have additional questions about the salary differential process, the DOE publishes a step-by-step guide which you can access on the UFT website. You may also contact the Office of Salary Services through HR Connect at 718-935-4000.