If your LODI request for 20 or more consecutive school days was denied medically (as opposed to administratively) by the doctors at the DOE, you have the option to apply for medical arbitration. You should probably apply for medical arbitration even if you later choose not to pursue it. Members who have a pending medical arbitration request will automatically be granted a leave of absence for the denied period which will provide them with medical benefits and the ability to apply to the UFT Welfare Fund for disability payments.
What to do if your LODI is medically denied
To see guidance on the medical arbitration process, with a checklist and contact information, download a summary of the medical arbitration process »
Read the contract article on medical review procedures »
If you have further questions or concerns, please call UFT Medical Representative Thomas Bennett at (212) 598-7711 or email him at tbennett [at] uft [dot] org (tbennett[at]uft[dot]org).