Approved by the RTC Chapter on December 8, 2009 and has to go to Delegate Assembly for approval.
WHEREAS this UFT, NYSUT, The New York City Central Labor Council and the State AFL-CIO have joined in support of the Stella D’Oro union workers in coordination with the Bakery, Confectionary and Tobacco and Grain Miller Workers, AFL-CIO (BCTGM) to oppose blatant anti-worker activities;
WHEREAS Lance Foods which manufacturers of a line of snack foods often sold through vending machines, including sandwich crackers, nuts and seeds, cookies, popcorn and snack cakes, has purchased the Stella D’Oro plant in the Bronx; and
WHEREAS Lance Foods closed the Stella D’Oro plant causing the unemployment of 136 Stella D’Oro union workers; and
WHEREAS Lance Foods moved equipment purchased with NYC tax abatement monies to one of its non-union facilities in Ohio; and
WHEREAS to educate the public regarding all Lance products and to consider the removal of such products from schools and union facilities and facilities used for union functions is under active consideration as is an organizing drive to unionize Lance’s Ohio facility; be it
RESOLVED the RTC urges the UFT to work closely with the BCTGM and the AFL-CIO in charting appropriate actions in support of their efforts.