Social Workers Victoria Biancarosa and Suzanne Fertig from PS 219 in Queens show love for their profession during the UFT's Clinicians Appreciation Day.
The most-attended Clinicians Appreciation Day in the UFT Social Workers and Psychologists Chapter’s history felt "like a family reunion," said Dr. Raul Garcia, bilingual school psychologist and the group’s chapter leader. About a thousand members gathered online and another 380 in person on Jan. 27 for a day of professional development, networking and bonding. The workshops focused on time and stress management, a relevant topic for a group feeling overwhelmed by administrative work, high caseloads and looming deadlines.
Clinicians learned practical strategies, such as starting to draft students’ reports while conducting their evaluations. Ofelina Rodriguez, a bilingual psychologist at PS 83 in Manhattan, said she enjoyed talking with clinicians at other schools. “It’s a reminder of why we do this work and an opportunity to learn new things," she said. Dr. Garcia hopes his members internalize the message that self-care is a "pillar" of their work. "People think we’re superheroes, and everything falls to us," he said. "But today we got the message that we’re human."