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Around the UFT

Manhattan new member event

Union bowls ’em over
New York Teacher
Three new UFT members smile for a photo at the Manhattan UFT new member event.
Erica Berger

Teachers (left to right) Ysenia Gonzales, Vanessa Fung and Asia Curry of Manhattan's HS for Law, Advocacy and Community Justice at the new member event in Manhattan.

Victoria Echevarria was looking for a way to learn more about being a UFT member. Just months on the job as a speech teacher at Eagle Academy for Young Men of Harlem, she decided to join more than two dozen others at the union’s Manhattan new member event on Jan. 24 at a bowling lounge. “I thought it would be a cool experience to meet new people while also learning about my rights as a union member,” Echevarria said. “I had questions answered about my pension, our recent raise and how to utilize the different services the union provides.” That was the aim of Jocelyn Joseph, a clinician for the UFT’s Member Assistance Program, who organized the event. Participants had access to information on professional development, certification and licensing, as well as the array of UFT programs to support them. “We wanted to build morale and community among new members to help increase teacher retention,” Joseph said, “and I think we accomplished the goal.”

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