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Around the UFT

Toy Drive & Brooklyn First Book event

Holiday cheer
New York Teacher
Toy Drive & Brooklyn First Book
Erica Berger

 Public school parent Bobbie Haynes (right) gets her free books from Miriam Quiles, a UFT educational liaison, at the First Book event in Brooklyn on Dec. 18.

Toy Drive & Brooklyn First Book

 Jesus Verdejo, an aide at PS 138 in Manhattan, shows off some of the toys that came from the UFT drive.

The spirit of giving was alive and well within the UFT during the December holidays and children were the beneficiaries. The union’s annual holiday party for children in need could not be held as usual due to the pandemic, but the union’s Elementary Schools Division came through by collecting just a shade under $22,000 which paid for thousands of toys. UFT members donated hundreds more toys by shipping them or delivering them to UFT offices in all five boroughs. The toys were then distributed to a host of shelters throughout the city as well as to New York City public schools with the highest homeless student populations. Jenna Brown, a school psychologist at PS 138 in Manhattan, one of the schools that received toys, said, “The delivery of toys from the UFT to our students made it feel like Christmas.” Meanwhile, the union’s Brooklyn borough office teamed up with First Book for a book giveaway on Dec. 18. Betty Zohar, the UFT Brooklyn parent and community liaison, reported that about 200 parents turned out for the event and 4,000 books were given away.

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