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Community backing key to LA teachers’ successful strike
One of the most distinctive elements of the successful nine-day teachers’ strike in Los Angeles in January was the powerful level of community support the teachers had. That was the result of a deliberate effort by United Teachers Los Angeles, the 32,000-member American Federation of Teachers affiliate, to build mutually respectful alliances with parents and community groups around a common agenda.
Protecting personal and school property
It's wise to be mindful of protecting your possessions and items that belong to your school. Here are some tips for safeguarding valuables.
Cuomo calls for $1B funding hike, with more for poorest schools
In his first executive budget proposal since Democrats took control of the state Senate, Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for a $1 billion increase in education spending, for a total $27.7 billion.
Delegates unite behind LA teachers
UFT delegates at the Delegate Assembly on Jan. 16 unanimously passed a resolution in support of the striking Los Angeles teachers.