New York TeacherJune 17, 2021
As we prepare to return to in-person learning, the UFT is working to ensure a smooth transition for students. The union’s #OurKidsNeed campaign is keeping their needs front and center as it pushes for city funding for smaller class size and intervention teams in every building to provide extra social-emotional support and academic intervention.

Latest News

UFT pushes for money for smaller class sizes and intervention teams
The UFT championed its five-point plan for New York City public schools during negotiations over the city budget due on June 30, advocating for federal COVID-19 relief funds to be used to help public school students recover from the pandemic.

UFT joins unions in campaign to take schools solar
Imagine a New York City public school system that no longer relies on carbon-based fuel to generate power. The UFT has seized the chance to make that vision a reality, given the promise of billions of dollars of new federal funding to combat climate change.
More in News Stories
Member Spotlight

Kudos to Gloria Castillo, PS 11, Manhattan
When PS 11 Chapter Leader Gloria Castillo began to think about retirement, she also began to plan for a seamless transition in union leadership at her Chelsea school.

Maryse Crevecoeur-Charles, IEP teacher
IEP teacher Maryse Crevecoeur-Charles provides intensive reading intervention to struggling readers at PS 6 in Flatbush, Brooklyn.
Around the UFT

‘Battle-tested’ members hailed for courage, strength
UFT President Michael Mulgrew praised members for their courage and strength throughout the pandemic and spoke about the challenges ahead at the union's annual Spring Education Conference on May 15.

Academic High School Awards
Eight schools and 28 individuals were honored on April 29 at the UFT's annual Academic HS Awards ceremony, held virtually, while all educators were praised for their hard work and commitment this school year.

Helping students return to the world
This spring, hundreds of parents across the city gathered for the 12th annual UFT parent conferences, with each borough hosting its own virtual event on Zoom.

Heading out to change the world
The UFT presented $5,000 Albert Shanker College Scholarships to 134 public high school students and eight graduate students on June 2 at the 52nd annual Albert Shanker Scholarship celebration, held virtually on Zoom.

Nurses Recognition Day
Members of the Federation of Nurses/UFT were honored during the union's seventh annual Nurse Recognition Day, Held virtually on May 6, for meeting the "unimaginable" challenge of COVID-19.
More in Around the UFT
Your Rights and Benefits
Know Your Benefits

Parental leave
Thanks to the hard work of thousands of UFT members during a lengthy public campaign, the UFT was the first public-sector union in New York City to secure parental leave for the workers it represents.
Your Well-being

Let’s Talk About It
The union's Member Assistance Program has created a wellness workshop series, Let's Talk About It, led by a licensed clinician, for members to share their experiences and learn new coping and healing skills.
You Should Know
Grants, Awards & Freebies

Grants, Awards & Freebies
See our list of current opportunities for educators to receive funds and recognition for their hard work and dedication.
President's Perspective

What our kids need
Rebuilding and strengthening the bonds of our school community, classroom by classroom, will be one of the most important tasks we take on in September.

Social-emotional wellness for all
UFT Vice President for Education Mary Vaccaro writes that as we look ahead to September, when students and educators will be back together in school buildings, we must focus as strongly on social-emotional wellness as on academics.

Transgender rights
Pride Month has become an American tradition, when people in cities and towns large and small celebrate the LGBTQ community with friends, family and allies. But the fight to be treated equally in the eyes of the law isn’t over by any means.

Essential school nurses
One of the most important lessons learned from the pandemic is that having a nurse in every school is vital to the well-being of our students.
Editorial Cartoons

Teaching Resources
Learning Curve

What’s the point of a test?
When an assessment is well-designed and aligns with standards, the idea of “teaching to the test” sheds its negative connotation.
Linking to Learning

Virtual field trips offer unique experiences
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the end of the school year was a popular time for class trips. This year, you don’t have to completely forgo those experiences; you and your students can embark on virtual field trips instead.
Teacher to Teacher

Lessons learned from remote era
Insights about how our students learn best that were gained while working remotely will be helpful when we all return to the classroom.
Building Your Career
Building Your Career

Your to do list for Summer
Here are some things to take care of right away and others that will help you prioritize and stay on track.
Inside My Classroom

A Bitmoji classroom
I created a Bitmoji classroom for my 7th- and 8th-grade ELA students where they can access all that they need to be successful for the learning day in one place.
New Teacher Articles

Planning ahead after a challenging year
As this challenging year comes to an end, here are some steps you can take now to get ready for a smoother return to your classroom in the fall.
New Teacher Profiles

How one teacher created special moments for remote learners
Teaching remotely has forced second-year special education teacher Abby Normandin "to be more creative; to see learning in a new way." For her 6th-graders at Mott Hall III in the Bronx that meant getting everything they needed for a tasty science lesson in the mail.
Retired Teachers News

Surviving change
In the last iconic scene of the movie “The Darkest Hour,” Winston Churchill decided to oppose the old guard members of his own political party who were pushing for surrender-like negotiations with the Nazis during World War II. He knew he was risking his position as prime minister, but he decided to stop catering to them and take the risk.
As Churchill finished giving one of his most inspiring speeches in Parliament, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden said: “Changed your mind?” Churchill responded, “Those who never change their minds never change anything.”…

Special Retiree Health Care Committee established
A 50-member volunteer Retiree Health Care Committee has been created by the Retired Teachers Chapter to serve as middlemen between the chapter and union leadership on health care topics.

Brooklyn retirees staying busy
Retirees in the RTC's Brooklyn section have made the best of the pandemic situation, with a record turnout of 1,030 retirees attending virtual Si Beagle classes.