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Restore 3-K and pre-K funding

New York Teacher

I have been teaching pre-K for over 10 years and feel very passionate about ensuring that our youngest students are able to attend 3-K and pre-K. It has been all over the news that there have been significant budget cuts to our early childhood education programs. We must continue advocating for our children so that funding is restored and budget cuts end.

There are so many benefits of high-quality 3-K and pre-K. Children become part of a community where they will grow and learn, all while developing important skills. Students are exposed to language and literacy through interactive daily read-alouds, shared writing and other activities. They learn math concepts through play. Hands-on learning is visible throughout the classroom. Students explore their imagination and creativity and participate in meaningful learning experiences, such as watching a caterpillar transform into a butterfly. Social-emotional development also is at the forefront of classroom work. Students learn to problem-solve, work collaboratively, develop empathy and learn about feelings.

These are just a few reasons why early childhood education is important. Our students deserve a strong educational foundation — not more budget cuts!

Johanna McNeal, PS 398, Queens