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Our trans youth

New York Teacher

In his Jan. 29 executive order to end “radical indoctrination” in schools, President Donald Trump threatened to withhold federal education funding and unleash state attorneys general on K–12 educators for “unlawfully facilitating the social transition of a minor student.” Facilitating, according to the order, includes counseling, calling a student by their new name, and allowing trans youth in locker rooms or bathrooms designated for their chosen gender.

The order is unconstitutional, according to Lambda Legal, and a form of discrimination under New York State law, according to New York Attorney General Letitia James. But it nonetheless has a chilling effect.

The order mentions the importance of parents’ rights but is devoid of any compassion for the tremendous struggles of young people who are living or considering living as a person of the opposite gender. Nor does it acknowledge our role as educators in respecting students’ dignity as we help them develop self-confidence and independence. All students should be comfortable and welcome in our schools. It’s not a matter of radical indoctrination; it’s a matter of compassion and acceptance.

The nonprofit Trevor Project has found a strong association between anti-LGBTQ+ victimization and suicide risk. In its 2024 survey of LGBTQ+ youth, 46% percent of transgender and nonbinary young people had seriously considered suicide in the past year, and LGBTQ+ youth living in “accepting” communities reported attempted suicide at half the rate of those in “unaccepting” communities.

The intolerance of the new administration risks further harm to these vulnerable youth. As their educators, we are duty bound to protect and support them.

Related Topics: LGBTQ rights , UFT Pride