As New York City public school professionals, we have a lifelong mission to educate our students to the best of our ability in a safe environment. In the past few years, we have welcomed tens of thousands of undocumented children into our classrooms. Other undocumented children have been attending our schools for years.
On Jan. 20, the Trump administration reversed long-standing federal policy that designated schools, places of worship and health facilities as safe zones off-limits to federal immigration authorities. Thankfully, New York State regulations and guidance remain in place that protect schools from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. The regulations state that nonlocal law enforcement officials cannot enter schools unless they have a judicial warrant signed by the court. The DOE has relayed that message to principals.
We will continue to fight for schools to remain safe zones. Our students deserve an education free from fear, humiliation and trauma. Children should feel safe and protected at all times, and when they are with us in our schools, we will ensure that they do.
About 2,600 UFT members have signed up for our online workshops on how to support undocumented students and families who are facing the threat of deportation.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1982 that all students in the United States have a right to a free public education regardless of their immigration status.
Once children are students in our schools, they are our children. And we protect them — from gunmen, from COVID-19, from hunger, from bullying and from any attempts to take them out of school by ICE agents.