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No room for charters

Picking up on Mayor Eric Adams’ more welcoming attitude, the charter lobby is flexing its muscles again and Eva Moskowitz, Success Academy’s rapacious chief executive, is trying to elbow her way into yet more district schools.

Pandering Pompeo

Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump’s former secretary of state, tried to grab the lead in the Republican race to the bottom when he declared just before Thanksgiving that “the most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten” and asserted that the nation’s educators teach “filth.”

Bigoted book bans

Across the United States, right-wing opponents of racial justice and LGBTQ rights are waging a campaign of censorship to prevent children from learning about these topics.

Botching GAMA

In September, the DOE rolled out GAMA, a new online grading, attendance and parent messaging system. The implementation has been a disaster.

Unfair funding

It's time for the Department of Education’s Fair Student Funding formula to live up to its name and provide New York City public schools with the resources to help all our children succeed. The per-pupil funding formula that has determined the majority of school funding for the past 15 years has ample room for improvement.

Fostering success

New York City has taken the first steps to support students in the foster care system by beginning to establish a government team dedicated to that purpose. It must go the rest of the way and help these kids get everything they need to thrive.