UFT Iftar Dinner 2025
The UFT Muslim Educators Committee celebrated its second annual Iftar dinner on March 7 at UFT headquarters. About 75 people broke their Ramadan fast by drinking milk and water and eating dates and then enjoying a hearty dinner. They prayed, spoke about the pillars of Ramadan and the purpose of fasting, and held a Q&A session for guests to learn about other aspects of Islam.

Della Regina, who teaches at PS 43 in the Bronx, participates in the committee’s Q&A session, asking a question about Muslims’ prayer practices.

(From right) UFT Muslim Educators Committee Vice Chairperson Dina Hassan, Chairperson Abdelhafid Djemil and liaison Aqueel Williams smile as the daughter of PS 36, Manhattan, Chapter Leader Faiza Khalid appears onstage to tell everyone gathered, “As-salaam-alaikum," or "Peace be onto you."

Guests are provided cups of milk, a drink that is traditionally served to break the Ramadan fast, along with water and dates.

Teachers Summer Ahmad, of Tottenville HS in Staten Island, Zeinab Ismail, of Port Richmond HS in Staten Island, Nisreen Ahmad of PS 97 in Brooklyn, and Sofie Palaj, also of Port Richmond HS, pose between banners reading “Ramadan Mubarak,” which means “Blessed Ramadan.”

UFT Muslim Educators Committee members and guests gather to pray in a quiet space next to the room where dinner is being served.

Salina Benqassem, a paraprofessional at IS 210 in Queens, enjoys the dinner with her mother, who was visiting from Morocco.

Teachers Jasia Mirza (left) and Fayza Uddin of PS 223 in Queens take a selfie to capture memories of the dinner.

(From right) Vice Chairperson Hassan, a teacher at Queens’ Woodside Community School, watches the program alongside teachers Mehrin Gadit, of John Adams HS in Queens, and Quratul Waqas, of IS 230 in Queens.

Della Regina, who teaches at PS 43 in the Bronx, participates in the committee’s Q&A session, asking a question about Muslims’ prayer practices.

(From right) UFT Muslim Educators Committee Vice Chairperson Dina Hassan, Chairperson Abdelhafid Djemil and liaison Aqueel Williams smile as the daughter of PS 36, Manhattan, Chapter Leader Faiza Khalid appears onstage to tell everyone gathered, “As-salaam-alaikum," or "Peace be onto you."

Guests are provided cups of milk, a drink that is traditionally served to break the Ramadan fast, along with water and dates.

Teachers Summer Ahmad, of Tottenville HS in Staten Island, Zeinab Ismail, of Port Richmond HS in Staten Island, Nisreen Ahmad of PS 97 in Brooklyn, and Sofie Palaj, also of Port Richmond HS, pose between banners reading “Ramadan Mubarak,” which means “Blessed Ramadan.”

UFT Muslim Educators Committee members and guests gather to pray in a quiet space next to the room where dinner is being served.

Salina Benqassem, a paraprofessional at IS 210 in Queens, enjoys the dinner with her mother, who was visiting from Morocco.

Teachers Jasia Mirza (left) and Fayza Uddin of PS 223 in Queens take a selfie to capture memories of the dinner.

(From right) Vice Chairperson Hassan, a teacher at Queens’ Woodside Community School, watches the program alongside teachers Mehrin Gadit, of John Adams HS in Queens, and Quratul Waqas, of IS 230 in Queens.

Della Regina, who teaches at PS 43 in the Bronx, participates in the committee’s Q&A session, asking a question about Muslims’ prayer practices.
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UFT Muslim Educators Committee members and guests gather to pray in a quiet space next to the room where dinner is being served.

Salina Benqassem, a paraprofessional at IS 210 in Queens, enjoys the dinner with her mother, who was visiting from Morocco.

Teachers Jasia Mirza (left) and Fayza Uddin of PS 223 in Queens take a selfie to capture memories of the dinner.

(From right) Vice Chairperson Hassan, a teacher at Queens’ Woodside Community School, watches the program alongside teachers Mehrin Gadit, of John Adams HS in Queens, and Quratul Waqas, of IS 230 in Queens.

Della Regina, who teaches at PS 43 in the Bronx, participates in the committee’s Q&A session, asking a question about Muslims’ prayer practices.

(From right) UFT Muslim Educators Committee Vice Chairperson Dina Hassan, Chairperson Abdelhafid Djemil and liaison Aqueel Williams smile as the daughter of PS 36, Manhattan, Chapter Leader Faiza Khalid appears onstage to tell everyone gathered, “As-salaam-alaikum," or "Peace be onto you."

Guests are provided cups of milk, a drink that is traditionally served to break the Ramadan fast, along with water and dates.

Teachers Summer Ahmad, of Tottenville HS in Staten Island, Zeinab Ismail, of Port Richmond HS in Staten Island, Nisreen Ahmad of PS 97 in Brooklyn, and Sofie Palaj, also of Port Richmond HS, pose between banners reading “Ramadan Mubarak,” which means “Blessed Ramadan.”

UFT Muslim Educators Committee members and guests gather to pray in a quiet space next to the room where dinner is being served.

Salina Benqassem, a paraprofessional at IS 210 in Queens, enjoys the dinner with her mother, who was visiting from Morocco.

Teachers Jasia Mirza (left) and Fayza Uddin of PS 223 in Queens take a selfie to capture memories of the dinner.

(From right) Vice Chairperson Hassan, a teacher at Queens’ Woodside Community School, watches the program alongside teachers Mehrin Gadit, of John Adams HS in Queens, and Quratul Waqas, of IS 230 in Queens.

Della Regina, who teaches at PS 43 in the Bronx, participates in the committee’s Q&A session, asking a question about Muslims’ prayer practices.

(From right) UFT Muslim Educators Committee Vice Chairperson Dina Hassan, Chairperson Abdelhafid Djemil and liaison Aqueel Williams smile as the daughter of PS 36, Manhattan, Chapter Leader Faiza Khalid appears onstage to tell everyone gathered, “As-salaam-alaikum," or "Peace be onto you."

Guests are provided cups of milk, a drink that is traditionally served to break the Ramadan fast, along with water and dates.

Teachers Summer Ahmad, of Tottenville HS in Staten Island, Zeinab Ismail, of Port Richmond HS in Staten Island, Nisreen Ahmad of PS 97 in Brooklyn, and Sofie Palaj, also of Port Richmond HS, pose between banners reading “Ramadan Mubarak,” which means “Blessed Ramadan.”

UFT Muslim Educators Committee members and guests gather to pray in a quiet space next to the room where dinner is being served.

Salina Benqassem, a paraprofessional at IS 210 in Queens, enjoys the dinner with her mother, who was visiting from Morocco.

Teachers Jasia Mirza (left) and Fayza Uddin of PS 223 in Queens take a selfie to capture memories of the dinner.

(From right) Vice Chairperson Hassan, a teacher at Queens’ Woodside Community School, watches the program alongside teachers Mehrin Gadit, of John Adams HS in Queens, and Quratul Waqas, of IS 230 in Queens.

Della Regina, who teaches at PS 43 in the Bronx, participates in the committee’s Q&A session, asking a question about Muslims’ prayer practices.