Know Your Rights
School chapters and chapter leaders
The pandemic has changed our work world, but the role of the union remains the same, even as the stakes are higher than ever.
Class size and instructional materials
As we enter a new school year, teachers should be aware of their rights to reasonable class sizes and basic instructional materials.
Environmental health and safety hazards
You have the right to work in a healthy and safe school building. The UFT’s Safety and Health Department can work with you and your school if you encounter environmental health and safety hazards.
Absences and leaves for paraprofessionals
If you are a paraprofessional, have you ever wondered what your rights are in terms of leave time and absence from work? You earn one sick leave day for every month in which you are in service for at least 16 calendar days. The maximum number of sick leave days earnable in a school year is 10 for September through June.