Every three years in May or June, UFT members vote for chapter leaders, delegates and paraprofessional representatives. Those you elect will be responsible for communicating your views, priorities and ideas and also for communicating back to you decisions made by the UFT Delegate Assembly.
For this election cycle, we are reverting to the pre-pandemic election procedures that were in place for decades. School-based elections will be held in schools, and elections for the Retired Teachers Chapter and functional chapters will be conducted by mail ballot.
See some answers to common questions about chapter elections below. For more information, please go to the special Chapter Elections 2024 section. For more information about the RTC elections, see the Retired Teachers Chapter Notice of Elections.
General questions
Do I need to be a UFT member to vote in chapter elections?
Yes, only UFT members as of March 15, 2024, may vote in UFT elections.
How long will members serve in elected chapter positions?
Chapter positions have a term of three years. Members elected this year will start on July 1, 2024, and will complete their terms on June 30, 2027.
What if I have questions or need election materials?
Speak with your chapter leader, check the UFT website’s Chapter Election 2024 section, or call the UFT election hotline at 212-331-6310.
School-based chapter elections
For what chapter positions will school-based members vote this year?
Members in each school will vote for a chapter leader, delegate(s) and a paraprofessional representative.
Who is eligible to run for a school-based chapter position?
Any full-time UFT member may run for a position in a particular school if they are on the school’s permanent table of organization or assigned to the school on the first Monday in May of an election year and have signed the union card at lesat 60 days prior to the election.
Who can nominate, run and vote for chapter leader, delegate or paraprofessional representative?
- All members of the chapter may nominate, run and vote for the chapter leader position.
- Only teachers are eligible to nominate, run and vote for school delegate.
- Only paraprofessionals may nominate, run and vote for paraprofessional representative.
Additional chapter election rules can be found in the Chapter Elections 2024 section of the UFT website.
How is a school election committee chosen?
The school election committee may be designated by the chapter leader, with the approval of the chapter, or may be elected by the chapter.
Can a member of the school election committee also be a candidate for a chapter position at the school?
No, they cannot.
If I’m interested in running for an elected position at a school, how do I get nominated?
If UFT members are interested in running for chapter leader, delegate or paraprofessional representative, they should notify their school’s election committee chair.
What is the deadline to submit nomination forms?
Nominations must be submitted to the election committee at least three school days after the distribution of the notice of election on the UFT bulletin board and in school mailboxes.
What happens if someone who is not a UFT member wishes to run for an elected position?
Only UFT members are eligible. All nominees must be UFT members in good standing on or before March 15, 2024.
What happens if a candidate runs unopposed?
If nominees run unopposed, the election committee must still certify and complete the official chapter certification data form and submit that document to the UFT Membership Department. No election is necessary.
How will members be informed who is running in their chapter election?
The election chair will post the candidates running in your chapter election on the UFT bulletin board at your school. If candidates are running unopposed and no election will be held, that information will be posted there as well.
How many delegates will be chosen per school?
It depends on the number of UFT members at your school. One delegate is elected for every 60 teachers.
How will members be notified of the date of their chapter’s election?
The election date will be posted on the Notice of Election located on the UFT bulletin board at your school, and a copy of the notice also will be placed in school mailboxes by the election committee chair.
How will the results of a school chapter election be communicated?
The election committee will post the results on the UFT bulletin board immediately after the election.
Functional chapter elections
How will functional chapter leader elections be conducted?
UFT members who are paraprofessionals, school secretaries, school counselors or another non-teacher title will receive their election ballots in the mail in May. The ballot will come from the American Arbitration Association (AAA), which is conducting the functional chapter elections. The ballot will be sent to the member’s home address that is on file with the UFT.
School-based functional chapter members also will vote in their school chapter elections for chapter leader and, in the case of paraprofessionals, for paraprofessional representative.
What are the positions to be filled within the Paraprofessionals Chapter?
This year, paraprofessionals will elect members to the following positions: officers (chapter leader, first vice chair, second vice chair, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer and assistant treasurer), five borough coordinators, 15 at-large members of the executive board, 32 district coordinators, 262 Delegate Assembly delegates and a paraprofessional representative for each school.
What is the deadline for the receipt of mail ballots?
The AAA must receive all ballots at 120 Broadway in Manhattan by 8 a.m. on June 13 for all DOE functional chapter elections.
How can I update my mailing address on file with the UFT to ensure I receive my ballot?
You can update your address on the UFT Member Hub or via the UFT website on the My Account page. In addition, you can call the UFT at 212-331-6311 and ask to speak to the Membership Department.