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District 11 Certification Cafe

Are you a member working in District 11 and need assistance with navigating your TEACH page, learning how to earn CTLE credits, have questions regarding tenure or have certification issues weighing you down? Come to our Certification Cafe and get answers to those questions and more.

Growing bilingual special ed ranks

With New York City facing a chronic shortage of bilingual special education teachers, the UFT was able to negotiate a new incentive program to encourage tenured special education teachers with a bilingual extension to combine those two specialties.

What are the consequences if I do not complete my CTLE hours within the five-year deadline?

If you are audited and asked to submit proof of CTLE hours and you have not completed them, you may not be allowed to work in a New York State public school until you have met the requirements. If you do not complete the required CTLE hours before...

What actions do I need to take at the end of my five-year cycle? Do I need to submit proof of completion of CTLE hours?

At the end of your five-year cycle, you will be asked to verify whether you have met the 100-hour requirement. You should not submit any documentation to the state Office of Teaching Initiatives; however, you should keep your records for at least...

What are the CTLE language-acquisition requirements?

If your professional certificate is in English to Speakers of Other Languages or you hold a bilingual extension annotation, a minimum of 50% of your CTLE hours must be in language acquisition, including a focus on best practices for co-teaching...

Which professional learning courses count toward the CTLE requirement?

Your CTLE hours must be completed with a state-approved provider. Both the UFT’s LearnUFT program and the UFT Teacher Center are state-approved providers that offer affordable CTLE workshops. P-credits taken through the city Department of Education’s...

When does my five-year cycle begin and when will I be required to complete my CTLE hours?

Your first registration period begins on the date you register with NYSED, and it expires five years and zero to 11 months later, depending on your birthday. It ends on the last day of the month preceding your birth month. For example, if you...

How many CTLE hours must I earn to maintain my state certification?

Teachers with professional certification and paraprofessionals who hold a Level III teaching assistant certificate must complete 100 CTLE hours every five years to maintain their certification. You are required to register with NYSED in order to...

Which teachers and paraprofessionals need to earn CTLE hours to maintain their state certifications?

Teachers who hold professional teaching certificates and paraprofessionals who hold Level III teaching assistant certificates need to earn CTLE hours. Teachers who hold entry-level certificates (initial, conditional initial, Transitional A...

Certification news & updates

Be sure to check this page for the latest news and updates regarding certification.