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What is the new Students with Disabilities (All Grades) state teaching certificate? How do you qualify to obtain this certification?

As of Sept. 28, 2022, the state Education Department created a new Students with Disabilities (All Grades) certificate that permits teachers to teach students with disabilities in pre-K through Grade 12 in New York State public schools. The Students...

Certification during COVID-19

Due to the many disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the New York State Education Department has introduced measures to provide emergency certification and alternative testing options and has extended some deadlines for educators.

COVID-caused changes to certification, tenure

The UFT fought for amendments to some of the regulations that govern certification so educators are not penalized by the interruptions caused by the pandemic.

Earn CTLE hours with low-cost LearnUFT courses

In July 2021, some educators will reach the end of the first five-year cycle for collecting 100 Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours from state-approved providers. This Q&A tells you what you need to know about CTLE requirements.

LearnUFT courses remain remote through school year

The union’s LearnUFT courses provide low-cost professional development and Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours for UFT members.

State certification changes in response to the coronavirus

The New York State Board of Regents approved changes to educator certification that provide flexibility in light of the coronavirus crisis.

What happens to my seniority if I switch licenses?

If you switch licenses, you maintain all the seniority you have accrued. However, for excessing and layoff purposes, probationers are grouped separately from those who have completed probation. When you switch licenses, until you complete probation...

Is your teaching certificate about to expire?

With summer just around the corner, it’s crucial to meet upcoming deadlines for certification if your current teaching certificate is near its expiration date. 

CTLE requirements

Professionally certified teachers and Level III certified paraprofessionals are required to collect a total of 100 professional development hours, now called Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) hours, by a state-approved provider such as...


Check our certification page for the latest updates on state certification, guidance and important deadlines you need to know.