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CTE grows to meet real-world needs

Leo Gordon, the UFT vice president for career and technical education high schools, writes that CTE programs in New York City schools have advanced significantly over the past 10 years, with a stronger emphasis placed on technology, industry...

A cool career path

Teacher Orvil Boatswain’s heating, ventilation and air-conditioning program at the Bronx Design and Construction Academy is the only program of its kind in New York City public high schools, and it regularly wins an annual statewide competition.

Career and Technical Education Awards

Educators, family members and community partners attended the UFT's annual Career and Technical Education celebration on Feb. 3 at UFT headquarters in Manhattan, where 85 educators and community partners were honored.

How do I apply for a career & technical education (CTE) salary differential?

CTE teachers can now apply for salary differentials through the DOE's salary application system (DOE login required). Learn more about how to qualify for CTE differentials and areas of specialization. »

Plumb perfect

Natalie Kavral is a 2011 graduate of the plumbing program at Queens Technical High School. Now, more than a decade later, Kavral, one of only two female plumbing teachers in New York City public schools, teaches plumbing and runs the plumbing program...

Career and Technical Education Awards Ceremony

A high school where students do maintenance work on airplanes. A student-created clothing brand that sells out of a student-run, brick-and-mortar store. These were just a few of the innovative Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs represented...

2022 Career and Technical Education Awards: Pathways to Passion

On March 15, for the first time in two years, hundreds gathered in Shanker Hall at UFT headquarters in Manhattan. They were CTE educators handpicked by the union to represent excellence in their division, plus family, friends and colleagues. The group celebrated the honorees’ excellent work and the flourishing CTE programs they run in city public schools.

A time of exciting CTE opportunities

UFT Vice President for CTE Leo Gordon writes that it's a challenging time for career and technical education, but it's also a time of exciting opportunities. The pandemic has illuminated the importance of skilled trades in our day-to-day lives. Now...

‘The foundation of CTE’

Each year since 1984, several of the city’s Career and Technical Education graduates have been nominated for the Success Via Apprenticeship program, which combines college courses with apprenticeships in classrooms and in each student’s chosen...

Leo Gordon elected VP for CTE high schools

Leo Gordon, a New York City public school teacher for more than 26 years, has been elected the UFT’s vice president for career and technical education by the union’s Executive Board.