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Our undocumented students
We will continue to fight for schools to remain safe zones. Our students deserve an education free from fear, humiliation and trauma. Children should feel safe and protected at all times, and when they are with us in our schools, we will ensure that...
UFT workshop on supporting undocumented students and families
Days after the Trump administration rescinded a longstanding federal policy that made schools off limits to immigration raids, the UFT held a workshop about how educators can support undocumemented students and their families.
Icing out ICE
What will the next four years under President Donald Trump mean for public education in New York City? UFT President Michael Mulgrew told the Delegate Assembly on Jan. 15 that many parents are fearful of the ramifications.
Defend children’s right to shelter
Mayor Eric Adams has introduced a new policy to limit families with children to a 60-day stay in shelters. Sign this petition calling on the mayor to reverse this policy before it creates chaos in our schools and harms families who are the most in...
Managing the newcomer crisis
Some 30 educators, academics, activists and representatives from community-based organizations gathered together on Nov. 29 for a Summit to Support Newcomers to discuss how to best assist educators confronted with the thousands of asylum-seeking...
Unfair evictions
As we enter the coldest months of the year, many asylum-seeking families who endured great hardship to reach New York City are facing additional trauma as Mayor Eric Adams’ administration prepares to evict them from emergency shelters.
How educators are helping
School communities have pulled together to care for and educate tens of thousands of newcomer students, many of whom have arrived in New York City with little more than the clothes on their backs. The UFT hosted a listening session on Oct. 25 to...
Dial-a-Teacher ready to help
Dial-A-Teacher, the UFT’s free homework helpline, is back with a new focus for its 43rd year: helping asylum-seeking students.
The helpline, which fields about 40,000 calls a year, offers K-12 students and their parents live homework support from...
Supporting migrant students
Public school educators across the city have stepped up to address the educational, socio-emotional and economic needs of the 6,000 migrant students, shipped from Texas, who have arrived in city schools this fall.
'Tolerance is not enough'
Speak Truth to Power, a collaboration between Discovery Education and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights supported by the union, illuminates students’ and teachers’ roles in fighting human rights abuses and offers educational experiences and online tools...