MSK Direct Cancer Screening Tool

As part of the UFT Welfare Fund's partnership with Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK), you can receive personalized recommendations on how to reduce your risk for cancer by using MSK Direct's free, online cancer screening tool.
By taking a few minutes to answer some questions about yourself, your lifestyle and health history, you will receive immediate advice from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on how to reduce risk for a range of common cancer types, including breast, colon, lung, and skin cancers.
There is no cost, no login required and any personal information you choose to share will not be saved and will remain anonymous.
See a chart from MSK detailing their cancer screening guidelines »
Additional support
The MSK Direct program offers members and their eligible dependents guided access to expert cancer care specialists and services as well as practical and emotional support for you and your family members. To contact MSK Direct, call the dedicated UFT Welfare Fund phone line at 844-350-5034.
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with a major medical illness, the UFT Welfare Fund's Health & Cancer Helpline offers confidential counseling and guidance regarding health benefits, medical leaves, and other health-related matters. Learn more about additional UFT cancer care programs designed to support our members and their dependents.