Oct. 19, 2023

LIKE MOTHER, LIKE DAUGHTER: Chapter Leaders Margaret Joyce from PS 35 in the Bronx (left) and Faiza Khalid from PS 36 in Manhattan participate with their daughters in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk in Central Park on Oct. 15.
This Week's Focus
Required special education training for chapter leaders and principals
The new contract requires all school staff to receive training on special education rules and regulations each fall before or on Election Day. Chapter leaders and principals are strongly encouraged to attend a live, interactive 90-minute webinar next Monday, Oct. 23, from 10 to 11:30 a.m., presented jointly by UFT and DOE representatives. This webinar will demonstrate how to present the joint special education training at schools. Participants will have the chance to ask clarifying questions before presenting the information to their respective schools. Chapter leaders will be released from their regular duties to participate in this webinar. If you are not released, contact your UFT district representative for assistance. Here is the Microsoft Teams Live link to join the training session that day.
Principals and chapter leaders who are not able to attend the webinar on Oct. 23 will receive a recording of the webinar with the expectation that they will view it before the school-based training. The webinar will also be made available to principals and chapter leaders as a resource. Schools that have dedicated professional development time prior to Election Day must hold the training in person on Monday, Oct. 30, or Monday, Nov. 6. Schools that do not must conduct the staff training remotely on Election Day. A self-paced training video will be available to individual staff members who were not present for the joint training for their school. Here is the item in the Principal’s Weekly on special education staff training.
Educate your members about the importance of COPE
Members’ voluntary contributions to our Committee on Political Education, COPE — not union dues — fund the union’s political work with members, communities and elected officials. By contributing to COPE each month, UFT members ensure that their voices are heard by lawmakers and policy makers on the issues that matter to them. For instance, we are lobbying state lawmakers to fix Tier 6 of the pension system, a lobbying campaign paid for with COPE dollars. Please ask members in your school to sign up for COPE or increase their contributions. COPE’s recent impact can be seen when state lawmakers passed a law to reduce class sizes in New York City and a law ensuring paraprofessionals are automatically enrolled in the Teachers’ Retirement System. Members can enroll in COPE using this online enrollment form or filling out a paper COPE card. You can bring a printed copy of this political action flier to your next in-person chapter meeting, and members can scan the QR code to go to the online form. Want to know who in your chapter contributes to COPE and who doesn’t yet? You can view the COPE report for your school in the Chapter Leader Hub. Please reach out to Melody Rondinelli, our COPE coordinator, at 212-598-6850, if you would prefer a hard copy of the COPE report for your school that also includes information on voter registration. If you need more paper COPE cards, reach out to Melody or your district rep.
Election Day PD is fully remote
Professional development on Election Day will be remote for all school-based staff this school year. Principals cannot require staff to report to schools on Tuesday, Nov. 7. Please notify your UFT district representative if your principal is requiring staff to come in or offering in-person professional development as an option.
Chapter Leader Checklist
To Do #1
Activate your school-based PD committee by Nov. 1
Under the 2023 contract, each school will now have one committee to serve as an instructional leadership team that plans all school-based professional learning. The deadline for activating this committee is Wednesday, Nov. 1. As chapter leader, you are automatically a member of that committee, and you and the principal will each choose an equal number of members to also serve. The new contract also says that school-based professional development must not be one size fits all; instead, all UFT members must receive professional learning that is directly related to the work they do. Review the guidance from the Teacher Center on creating a strong staff development committee.
To Do #2
Make sure new teachers have assigned mentors
Every new teacher in your school without prior teaching experience must have mentoring. As the chapter leader, you are a required member of your school’s New Teacher Induction Committee, which ensures new teachers receive this mentoring. The mentor should be an experienced classroom teacher, coach or lead teacher, ideally in the new teacher’s subject area. The mentor will provide a minimum of two periods a week of confidential, non-evaluative and nonjudgmental support. Consult with your principal for a list of new teachers and their mentors. If new teachers in your school have not been assigned a mentor, or if you have questions about the mentor program, contact your UFT district representative.
To Do #3
Donate winter clothing at the November DA
Please bring donations of NEW winter coats, sweaters, scarves, mittens, gloves and hats ranging in size from toddler to adult to the Nov. 15 Delegate Assembly. Your donations will be given to students living in temporary housing. This year, we are focusing on supporting the more than 20,000 asylum-seeking students in our schools. You may also make a monetary donation. If you have any questions, please contact Jeannette Noriega at JNoriega@uft.org.
To Do #4
Share photos of your team at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Did your chapter have a team at a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk on Sunday, Oct. 15, in Manhattan, Queens, or Long Island or will your team participate on Sunday, Oct. 22, in Brooklyn, the Bronx, or Staten Island? Raise awareness about breast cancer by sharing your photos on social media and tagging the UFT. Send your best photo to uftphotos@gmail.com. No collages please. Make sure you identify your school and borough and if the photo depicts three members or less, please include their names and job titles. See the photos from the Oct. 15 walks.
To Do #5
Fliers to share with your members
Here are fliers you can print and distribute in member mailboxes or post on your school’s UFT bulletin board.
Hub Highlights
Request a visit to your school from a UFT representative
UFT officers and union reps from various departments are available to visit your school and speak with the members of your chapter. You can request a school visit from any of the UFT’s vice presidents, the UFT’s Certification, Contract Empowerment, Grievance and Safety and Health departments, or the UFT Welfare Fund. Request a visit today through the Chapter Leader hub. Remember: You access the hub using your UFT website username and password.
Work in progress
The UFT is working on the following issues with the DOE and other city, state and federal entities as appropriate:
- Finalizing the agreement for the bilingual license incentive.
- Building the virtual learning program established in the contract.
- Reviewing and revising the A+ course options for teachers working toward their MA+30 salary differential.
- Working with the DOE to disseminate various types of guidance discussed in the contract.
You Should Know
Contract Empowerment & Enforcement
New DOE guidance on programming of library services
School librarians have long asked for DOE-issued guidance for UFT members and administrators on the programming of library services. The librarians on the UFT Negotiating Committee worked to secure an agreement in the 2023 contract that required the DOE to issue the guidance that school librarians sought. The guidance details how to implement a flexible or partially flexible library schedule. It notes that to the extent possible, the library should not be closed for non-library purposes, which include testing and meetings. Principals and other administrators have received this information as well. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mary Vaccaro, the UFT vice president for education, at mvaccaro@uft.org.
More professional activity options in the new contract
Under the 2023 contract, multisession schools and other schools with a six-hour 50-minute school day had one professional activity period per week converted to self-directed Other Professional Work. The menu options have expanded to 27 activities for the four remaining professional activity periods each week. The principal is required to meet with the chapter leader to consult on the number of positions and qualifications for each menu item.
There are four new activities related to the new Virtual Learning Program, which has not yet launched. Here are the other new activities on the menu:
- Adapt curriculum/curriculum maps (e.g., school-based or multicultural curriculum)
- Develop programs to integrate technology into the daily life of the classroom
- Advisory (not to exceed 10 students for social-emotional activities)
- Office hours
- College recommendations (for high schools only)
- Parent engagement
- Adapt advisory curriculum and develop advisory materials
- Adapt career-connected learning curriculum
- College and/or career guidance
- Internship advisor
See the full list of professional activity options under the new contract. Read more about contractual rights regarding professional activity periods.
Medical and Wellness
Calm app free for UFT members
UFT members, through NYSUT, may access premium content for free on the Calm app, the No. 1 app for sleep, meditation and relaxation with over 100 million downloads. The Calm app features guided meditation, calming sounds, ambient music and sleep stories. Calm also has resources specifically designed for educators for both classroom use and their own self-care. You will need your NYSUT ID number to access the discount. You can find that number on your NYSUT membership card, search for it on the NYSUT website or call NYSUT Member Benefits at 800-626-8101. Once you know your NYSUT ID, read these step-by-step instructions for accessing the discount and then get started.
Brewing Wellness podcast on finding a therapist
Choosing the right therapist can be challenging. In the latest episode of the UFT Member Assistance Program’s Brewing Wellness podcast, Mike Veny, the best-selling author of "Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero," shares his own mental health journey and how he found a therapist who was the right fit. Listen to a discussion of the different types of therapists and modalities of treatment. Subscribe to the Brewing Wellness podcast on your favorite streaming provider to make sure you don't miss any upcoming episodes.
Political Action
Sign this petition to keep kids safe on social media
We want to put pressure on state lawmakers to pass two bills designed to safeguard children from the predatory practices of social media companies. The Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act would permit youth under the age of 18 and their parents to opt out of receiving posts on social media from accounts the children don't follow. Children would instead get a chronological feed of content from users they already follow. The second bill, the New York Child Data Protection Act, would restrict social media platforms from collecting, sharing and selling data on child users for the purposes of advertising.
Vote yes on Proposition #1 on Nov. 7
In solidarity with our fellow New York State United Teachers members who work in small cities upstate, we are recommending a “Yes” vote on Proposition #1 on the Nov. 7 ballot. The proposed constitutional amendment would increase the debt limit for small city school districts from the current 5% to the 10% already permitted for suburban and rural schools. The passage of Proposition No. 1 will put the state’s small cities on equal footing with rural and suburban districts with respect to school funding. It will help to ensure that students in the state's smaller cities such as Yonkers and Buffalo finally receive the same opportunities as students in other districts. Read more about why it’s important to vote “yes” on Proposition #1.
Early voting begins on Oct. 28
The in-person early voting period for the Nov. 7 general election runs from Saturday, Oct. 28, to Sunday, Nov. 5. Members who live in New York City can use this tool to find their early voting and Election Day polling sites. Members who live in other parts of the state can use the Board of Elections' online portal to find where to vote early and on Election Day. See the candidates endorsed by the UFT and NYSUT in the general election.
Salary & Personnel
Know your rights about paid parental leave
Chapter leaders should encourage members who are preparing to welcome a new child into their lives to attend one of our Pathways to Parenthood virtual workshops. Remind members planning to take paid parental leave that they should apply for the leave at least 15 days in advance of the anticipated date of the birth, adoption or foster care placement. They then have 10 calendar days (barring special circumstances) to notify the DOE via SOLAS after the covered event to provide the actual date of the parental-leave covered event.
Under the 2023 contract, when both the parent and the non-birth parent are UFT-represented employees, they may take a total of 12 weeks of paid parental leave. Previously, this couple were only entitled to a collective total of six weeks of paid parental leave. The related maximums for other combinations of leaves related to a parental-leave covered event (i.e., birth, adoption or placement in foster care) have been likewise adjusted to account for the total of 12 weeks of paid parental leave for both UFT-represented employees. Read more about UFT members’ paid parental leave rights on the UFT website.
Paras get Teacher’s Choice for first time
The DOE finally released the precise amounts of Teacher’s Choice funds for the 2023-24 school year on Oct. 5. Thanks to our advocacy, paraprofessionals for the first time each receive $60 in Teacher’s Choice funds. Since the program received the same level of city funding as last year, the allotments for most of the other titles slightly dropped to provide for the paras. The purchasing period for eligible supplies runs from Aug. 1, 2023, through mid-January. Eligible members will receive their Teacher’s Choice funds in the last November or first December paycheck. To see this year’s allotments and read more information about the program, see the Teacher’s Choice section of the UFT website.
Don't miss upcoming fall pension workshops
The UFT Pension Department offers virtual workshops throughout the school year to help members understand their pension benefits. All workshops take place from 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. Upcoming workshops include Tier 6 Pension Milestones, Final Average Salary Calculations and CAR days on Wednesday, Oct. 25; Annual Benefits Statement and Death Benefits on Wednesday, Nov. 1; Tax-Deferred Annuity and Pension Options on Tuesday, Nov. 14; and Medicare and Turning 65 on Wednesday, Nov. 29.
Special Education
Empowering your new Special Education Committee
We provided guidance to our newer chapter leaders at the recent training weekend on how to empower the new school-based Special Education Committees created under the 2023 contract. We want all chapter leaders and para reps to have access to the materials shared at that Oct. 14 session. Under the 2023 contract, each school’s Special Education Committee will meet with the principal at least once in the fall and again in the spring — and more as needed — to discuss special education compliance issues, including teacher and paraprofessional programming, with the goal of resolving issues at the school level. The committee does not discuss student-specific issues. We held virtual training sessions on the Special Education Committee for chapter leaders in each borough and District 75. We will be holding more training sessions for all members of the Special Education Committee. Please make sure to include your school’s para rep.
Everything Else
Last chance to register for Teacher Union Day on Oct. 29
Friday, Oct. 20, is the deadline to register for Teacher Union Day at the New York Hilton on Sunday, Oct. 29, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year, the UFT is dedicating the day to the Contract Action Team members who followed in the footsteps of the brave educators who put everything on the line in the 1960 strike that forged our union. This year’s celebration will conclude with a special tribute to UFT founder George Altomare. See the full list of the day’s award winners, including the 88 school chapters receiving the Ely Trachtenberg Award.
Recent Guidance and Agreements
- DOE Library Services Guidance 2023-24 (Oct. 2023)
- DOE School Allocation Memo, No. 16, 2024 (June 2023)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2023-24 (July 2023)
- DOE Health Guidance 2023-24 (September 2023)
- DOE-UFT Memorandum of Agreement (June 2023)
Contact the UFT
- DOE members, call 212‑331‑6311.
- DOE functional chapter members, call 212‑331‑6312.
- A health benefit question? Call the Welfare Fund at 212‑539‑0500.