Nov. 7, 2024

UNION STRONG: At Teacher Union Day on Nov. 3, 45 elementary school chapter leaders receive Ely Trachtenburg Awards honoring them and their chapters for strong member engagement and advocacy.
This Week's Focus
Make sure your principal applies for class size funding if there's space
As chapter leader, you have a pivotal role to play in ensuring your principal creates a plan and applies for funding if your school has the space but needs the staff to lower class size. Make sure your principal is aware that this funding is in addition to any funding your school now gets and will be recurring. As we work to get 60% of classrooms citywide in compliance with the new limits by September 2025, we know hundreds of schools have the space to lower class sizes now. The application process is live. Your principal has until Dec. 20 to apply for the funding your school needs to execute its plan. See more information in our FAQ. We know the webinar and Nov. 4 live Q&A — both jointly organized by the DOE, the principals' union and the UFT — left chapter leaders with many unanswered questions. That's why we are holding our own online information-and-organizing session for chapter leaders next Tuesday, Nov. 12, at 4:30 p.m. At this session, we will give you more targeted information, support and direction and answer your questions. Since your principal may not act unless your school community mobilizes, we encourage you to invite your Chapter Action Team members to join you at this meeting.
Register for our information-and-organizing session on Nov. 12. Then work with your principal and school leadership team to figure out how much available space your school has and help your principal create a plan to bring as many classes as possible into compliance with the class size law in the 2025-26 school year.
Staying focused on our mission after election results
The voters have spoken. Recognizing the results of a free and fair election is a cornerstone of our democracy. Under the new administration, we will continue to focus on our core mission: fighting for what our members, our students and our communities need. What lies ahead for public school educators will no doubt be difficult, but we will protect our core values, our union, our profession and one another. We want to thank all of the UFT political action volunteers who participated in phone banking, labor walks and trips to Pennsylvania to door-knock this fall. Between NYSUT and the UFT, our in-service and retired members made more than 29,200 phone calls to fellow educators and union members in New York and Pennsylvania. We didn't get the result we wanted in many cases, but we put our best effort into fighting for the candidates who stood up for our values and priorities.
New DOE guidance ends 3‑K/pre‑K teachers' use of own devices to document progress
In consultation meetings at the chancellor's level, the union repeatedly called out the DOE for telling 3-K and pre-K teachers and paraprofessionals to document their students' progress with photos as part of the new curriculum's assessment cycle while not supplying school-issued iPads or other electronic devices to fulfill that requirement. As a result, these teachers and paraprofessionals were using their personal cell phones to document student learning and then uploading these photos to the GOLD portal. In the Oct. 22 issue of the Principals Digest, the DOE issued the following new guidance to building leaders in response to the union's intervention:
- Paraprofessionals/teaching assistants are not required to upload observation data in GOLD. If paraprofessionals and teaching assistants choose to engage in this process, they have their own unique login credentials to access GOLD.
- Teachers are not required to use their personal mobile/electronic devices to document children's engagement and learning.
- The Teaching Strategies Teacher App allows for uploading of documentation that goes directly to children's profiles; however, there is no requirement to use this app.
Improved disability and enteral formula benefits
In-service UFT Welfare Fund members recently gained two benefit improvements: an increase in the weekly short-term disability benefit and more coverage of a special nutritional formula for people, including newborns, with digestive issues. These two benefits are vital for the members they affect, and we have been working to enhance them for some time. Effective this Nov. 1, the disability benefit increased $100 per week, bringing weekly short-term disability payments to $575 for teachers and $475 for paraprofessionals and others in the same income band. The benefit kicks in after a member has exhausted their Cumulative Absence Reserve and is on an authorized medical leave of absence without pay. UFT Welfare Fund annual coverage of enteral formula has tripled, from a maximum of $2,500 per calendar year to a new maximum of $7,500 per year. The benefit is retroactive to Jan. 1, 2024. Enteral formula is a liquid or powder product that is medically formulated to assist with nutrient-intake deficiencies. If you or one of your members have any questions or concerns, you can call a UFT Welfare Fund health benefit representative at 212‑539‑0500 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.
A new tool to navigate UFT parental leave
In 2018, thanks to a public campaign led by thousands of UFT members, our union became the first public-sector union in the history of New York City to negotiate paid parental leave for the employees it represents. Since then, we have heard from members that it can be challenging to determine exactly what the benefit offers given their specific circumstances. Our new interactive tool helps members navigate UFT parental leave. Whether they are expecting, adopting, fostering or using a surrogate, this simple online tool will walk the member through this hard-fought benefit as it applies to them and their specific situation. You can access the new paid parental leave tool only through the UFT Member Hub. Please encourage your colleagues who are expecting or planning to welcome a child into their family to take a look.
Our solidarity and resolve on view at Teacher Union Day
Some 1,400 UFT members came out for Teacher Union Day this past Sunday to recognize their colleagues' dedication to the union and to unite in solidarity to confront the challenges ahead. Former Retired Teachers Chapter Leader Tom Murphy, who received the Charles Cogen Award, the union's highest honor, spoke passionately about organizing at the school level and mobilizing members, both in service and retired, for political action. Collective Action Awards were given to five school chapters — Midwood HS, Performing Arts and Technology HS in East New York, MS 51 in Park Slope, PS 157 in the Bronx and East New York Family Academy — that mobilized and exerted their power at the school level. We want to give a special shoutout to the 75 school chapters that received Ely Trachtenberg Awards. See photos from the event as well as the videos featuring many of the honorees.
Chapter Leader Checklist
To Do #1
Schedule your fall special education committee meeting
Make sure you schedule your fall school-based special education committee meeting with your principal for November or early December. According to the 2023 DOE-UFT contract, the committee meets with the principal at least twice a school year and more often as needed to discuss special education compliance issues, including teacher and paraprofessional programming, with the goal of resolving issues at the school level. You should then use the online Special Education Committee Notes form in the Consultation Committee Notes section of the Chapter Leader Hub to report unresolved issues, which will be escalated to the district rep for district-level consultation with the superintendent.
To Do #2
Request a certification specialist to assist your members
Consider inviting a UFT certification specialist to your school to support members with certification issues and answer questions. Complete the certification visit request form and alert your chapter's members when the meeting is scheduled.
To Do #3
Bring coat drive donations to the Nov. 13 DA
As your school's elected union representative, your participation at Delegate Assembly meetings is a crucial part of the UFT policymaking process. You should have received your email invitation to the next DA on Wednesday, Nov. 13. You can make a monetary donation or bring NEW winter coats and accessories ranging in size from toddler to adult to the meeting. If you have questions, please contact Jeannette Noriega at We are also starting to collect new children's toys for our annual holiday toy drive at the same DA.
To Do #4
Get your flu shot at next week's DA
The UFT is bringing back free flu shots at the Delegate Assembly. The shots are available from 2 to 5:30 p.m. on the second floor of 50 Broadway, rooms B & C. All in-service, DOE-employed members who have a New York City employee health plan are eligible to receive a free shot.
To Do #5
Flyers to share with your members
Here are flyers you can print and distribute in member mailboxes or post on your school's UFT bulletin board:
Hub Highlights
Access a digital copy of the UFT Chapter Leader Handbook
The Chapter Leader Hub contains a digital version of the Chapter Leader Handbook. The table of contents links directly to the guidance, regulations, information and processes you rely on as a chapter leader to represent your members. Remember: You can access the hub using your UFT website username and password.
Work in progress
The UFT is tackling the following issues with the DOE and other city, state and federal-level entities as appropriate:
- Continuing to raise concerns with the DOE about the Illustrative Math curriculum’s lack of remediation for students far below grade level, unrealistic expectations about how quickly teachers should move through lessons and misalignment with the Algebra I Regents exam.
- Pushing the DOE to end the citywide ban on working in high schools for discontinued teachers.
- Pushing the DOE to provide more support and training on school programming.
You Should Know
Tell us about an inspiring workspace at your school
Is there a therapy room, a school nurse's office or a college counselor's office at your school you admire for its unique décor or innovative organization? For our special New York Teacher issue on school-related professionals, we want to highlight one of these workspaces on Instagram and for our Inside My Classroom photo feature in the New York Teacher. If a school-related professional in your school has done something special with their workspace to promote student well-being or inspire student engagement or learning, use the online form below to tell us about it or submit a photo.
Medical & Wellness
Brewing Wellness podcast on literature as healing
Celebrate National Book Month with the Member Assistance Program's Brewing Wellness podcast as it hosts a discussion of the power of literature in healing and personal growth. Sherry Reiter, a licensed clinical social worker, "poetry therapist" and founder of the Creative "Righting" Center, talks with Vincent Corletta, an ELA teacher from Queens, about practical strategies to bring reading and writing into your own wellness journey. For more on Sherry's work, visit her Creative "Righting" Center website.
Salary & Personnel
Teacher's Choice money in late November paychecks
As always, members eligible for Teacher's Choice will receive their allotment as part of their regular paycheck, not as a supplemental check. This school year, school nurses and occupational and physical therapists will receive Teacher's Choice funds in their Nov. 22 paycheck and all other eligible titles will receive the funds in their Nov. 29 paycheck. Since Teacher's Choice is treated as a post-net payroll adjustment, the funds are nontaxable. If a UFT member in an eligible title who was on payroll as of Nov. 1 does not receive the payment, your principal should inform the DOE's Teacher's Choice Unit by Dec. 4. A second distribution of Teacher's Choice funds will be part of the Dec. 30 payroll for these employees who were identified and reported to the Teacher's Choice Unit. The Teacher's Choice purchasing window, which began on Aug. 1, closes on Jan. 10, 2025. Members should submit the receipts for purchases with the DOE's Statement of Purpose/Accountability form by Jan. 17. If a member who receives a Teacher's Choice allotment in November does not file an accountability form with required receipts by the deadline, the DOE will take back the money. For more information, including this year's amounts, go to the Teacher's Choice section of the UFT website.
Union's first pension expo a big success
More than 400 UFT members gathered on Oct. 26 to gain insights and tools to help them prepare for retirement. Members who are just starting to think about retirement as well as those ready to make concrete plans both benefited from the expo. At the exhibit hall, they gathered valuable information about the Teachers' Retirement System, how pension estimates are calculated, the pension system's annual benefits statement and more.
Everything Else
Come to the UFT Jewish Heritage Committee's awards dinner
You are invited to celebrate with the UFT Jewish Heritage Committee at its second awards dinner on Thursday, Dec. 5, at Russo's on the Bay, located at 162-45 Cross Bay Blvd., from 6 to 10:30 p.m. There will be music, dancing and a kosher-style dinner. The committee is honoring UFT President Michael Mulgrew, Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz and Mara Babcoff, a UFT chapter leader and special education teacher at the John F. Kennedy Jr. School in Queens. The event costs $110 per person.
Save the date for key UFT events in 2025
To make planning easier for you, here are the dates (and times, when available) of major union events in 2025 so you can mark your calendars. Closer to each event, we'll send email invitations with the details.
- Feb. 14 (tentative date), CTE Awards and Recognition Ceremony
- March 15, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., HerStory Brunch: Celebrating Women's History by Honoring Women in Labor
- March 22, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., UFT School Counselors Conference
- March 22, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., UFT Paraprofessional Festival and Awards Luncheon
- April 5, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., UFT Early Childhood Conference
- April 25, UFT Middle Schools Awards
- May 9, 4 to 8 p.m., UFT Academic High Schools Awards
- May 17, 8 to 3:30 p.m., UFT Spring Education Conference
Recent Guidance and Agreements
- DOE Payroll Administration Memorandum No. 4 on 2024 Social Security and Medicare rates (October 2024)
- DOE Perkins School Allocation Memo for Career and Technical Education (September 2024)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2024–25 on lactation accommodation policy (August 2024)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 2 2024–25 on teacher shortage areas (September 2024)
- DOE 2024-25 Guidance for Library Programs and Library Teachers (September 2024)
- DOE Personnel Memo, No. 1 2023–24 on COVID days (July 2023)
Contact the UFT
- DOE members, call 212‑331‑6311.
- DOE functional chapter members, call 212‑331‑6312.
- A health benefit question? Call the Welfare Fund at 212‑539‑0500.