News for Chapter Leaders
District teams get training
Around 200 UFT members gathered for a weekend retreat in February to learn how they can make a difference for their co-workers, families and communities as members of the union’s new district-level political action teams.
Update on March parent-teacher conferences
The health and safety of all staff and families is the UFT’s first priority. Given that, we have worked with the DOE to make changes to the parent-teacher conferences during the month of March.
UFT working to get curriculum for all
UFT President Michael Mulgrew announced at the Delegate Assembly on Jan. 15 that the union is working to ensure that all New York City schools have curriculum aligned to the state’s Next Generation Learning Standards for math and English language arts.
Online community to assist chapter leaders
Chapter leaders across the city now have access to a new online community that gives them a place to share ideas with other chapter leaders in their district, find answers to their questions and collect data the union can use to improve education and working conditions.
Schools invited to apply for Bronx Plan
The Bronx Collaborative Schools Plan, which successfully launched with 50 schools last year, is now expanding to include 70 additional schools.
Kudos to Emily Blatt, University Neighborhood HS, Manhattan
Emily Blatt made increasing contributions to the Committee on Political Education (COPE), the UFT’s political action arm, her first priority when she became chapter leader at University Neighborhood HS in Manhattan in September 2018.