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News for Chapter Leaders

At last, a successful strategy for class size

We’ve seen a dramatic drop in the number of oversize classes early in the school year — thanks to class-size reduction provisions negotiated as part of the 2018 Department of Education-UFT contract that were designed to get faster relief for teachers and students. 

Making Strides — with a little help from friends

Florence Conlon wore a UFT Strides T-shirt over her pink sweater, and a pink bandanna was wrapped around her neck — wise choices for a chilly overcast day at Orchard Beach in the Bronx. But the most important accessory Conlon wore was the sash with one word printed on it: "Survivor."

Calling the UFT just became easier

Your union is busy — but never too busy to hear from its members. That’s why the UFT this summer opened its new contact center, so UFT members can get accurate information quickly and efficiently about their union rights and benefits.

Kudos to Yvonne Reasen, Engineering and Technical Academy, Bronx

Bronx Engineering and Technical Academy Chapter Leader Yvonne Reasen used the new expedited resolution process for operational issues, negotiated as part of the 2018 DOE-UFT contract, to get the basic instructional supplies desperately needed by science teachers at her school.

Kudos to Adam Shapiro, PS 116 in Bushwick, Brooklyn

Even before he was elected chapter leader at PS 116 in Bushwick in September 2018, Adam Shapiro led a “brigade” of 25 UFT members to a meeting at the UFT’s Brooklyn borough office to discuss their principal’s intimidation of staff and extensive breaches of the DOE-UFT contract.

Kudos to Lillian Palladino, Susan E. Wagner HS on Staten Island

Susan E. Wagner HS Chapter Leader Lillian Palladino credits the union-negotiated process for tackling excessive paperwork for resolving an issue at her Staten Island school and for “unifying staff, revitalizing morale and bridging the gap with administration.”