Bruce Davidson
Bruce Samuel Davidson, a former high school teacher, passed away peacefully on April 1, 2016 in New York City.
Ruth Harwayne
Ruth Harwayne, a founding member of the UFT, was a business teacher and a SPARK coordinator at Washington Irving HS in Manhattan.
Manhattan high school uses PROSE to innovate
Harvest Collegiate HS is using the PROSE provision in the UFT contract to gain more freedom to veer from tradition this year. This year’s plan is to increase teacher leadership positions and conduct a grand experiment in peer evaluation.
Noteworthy graduates: Judge Milton A. Tingling, NYS Supreme Court Justice
Judge Tingling, who halted Bloomberg’s ban on oversized sugary drinks, went to school in Harlem in the 1960s. “My 3rd-grade teacher Ms. Commack recently reached out to me; my teachers say they are proud of me. But not more than I am of them,” he says...