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Delegate Assembly - March

Save the date for the UFT's monthly Delegate Assembly. UFT President Michael Mulgrew will give a report on the issues the union is facing this school year.  

10 million strong!

Hundreds of public school educators and families at the Graphic Communication Arts Educational Campus in Manhattan on May 11 to choose from 50,000 free books for children of all ages. The special event, along with four other book giveaways the same...

Speaking her students’ language

Candy Jorge, a Spanish teacher at Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School in Manhattan, came to the United States from her native Dominican Republic at the age of 17 with nothing. Now the 9th-grade team leader develops and implements...

Agents of ‘change’

In March, educators at Maxine Green HS for Imaginative Inquiry in Manhattan received word that their school would close in June. Winning the Academic High School Division's Team High School Award, said the chapter leader, was "a fitting end to the...

A recipe for success

CTE Award-winning baking teacher Shamel Donigan provides his students at Food and Finance HS with the tools to find success in the culinary industry and in life.

Kudos to Amanda Dutton, PS 134, Manhattan

Amanda Dutton, the chapter leader at PS 134 in Manhattan, has stood up again and again for students with disabilities and the UFT members who work with those students at her school.

UFT Lobby Day 2024

Nearly 1,000 educators, parents and advocates traveled on buses to attend the UFT’s annual Lobby Day in Albany. They asked state lawmakers to add more checks and balances to mayoral control of New York City public schools, fix Tier 6 of the pension system, require the city to follow the state's class size law and increase state foundation aid for New York City.

Time for projects

Central Park East II, which has participated in PROSE for all 10 years of its existence, has used the freedom that the program affords to embrace project-based learning, change its teacher evaluation system and more.

Halt ‘congestion’ plan

In their zeal to implement a project that promises to generate about $1 billion a year in revenue, agency officials failed to consider how congestion pricing simply shifts who pays the environmental costs.

Civil rights groups, elected officials from eleven counties join UFT/ Staten Island Borough President lawsuit against congestion pricing

Three civil rights organizations and 18 elected officials have joined as co-plaintiffs in the congestion pricing lawsuit filed by the United Federation of Teachers and Staten Island Borough President Vito Fossella.