Behavior Advantage CEO Aaron Stabel captures the attention of more than 1,000 school psychologists and social workers with his advice on dealing with students who act out: "Do not show them your buttons. And stay calm."
Social workers and school psychologists marked Clinicians Appreciation Day at UFT headquarters on Jan. 13 with professional development and networking, and their enthusiasm made it clear they were happy to finally be together in Shanker Hall for the first time since the pandemic began. “It was good to be in an environment with your colleagues and feel the energy,” said Shaniqua Schloss, a social worker based at the Brooklyn site of Passages Academy, a District 79 school for court-involved youth. Aaron Stabel, the CEO of California-based Behavior Advantage, advised the 260 clinicians attending in person and another 800 watching remotely to help teachers reach troubled students by creating “nurturing environments” and giving them coping skills during their calmer moments. Samantha K. Belfon, a social worker at PS 682 in Bensonhust, Brooklyn, said Stabel’s jargon-free presentation was “phenomenal. I think the collaborative process he spoke about was helpful.”