Learning to educate New Yorkers

UFT members pledged to help ensure all New Yorkers are counted in the 2020 Census during six union-organized teach-ins at schools throughout District 2 in Manhattan on Feb. 11. The school teach-ins were part of a citywide day of action organized by NYC Census 2020 to educate New Yorkers about the importance of participating in the Census. At PS 260 near Union Square, Chapter Leader Matt Driscoll gave a presentation on the Census process. Driscoll said he got involved when he heard New York City public schools lost billions of dollars in federal funding due to the city’s low response rate in 2010. “We’re not getting enough money as it is,” he said. At PS 3 on Hudson Street, teach-in participants shared ideas about how to boost the response rate, including bringing iPads to school for people to fill out Census questionnaires online after school.