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NYC Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT conference

Speaking of learning
New York Teacher
NYC Association of Foreign Language conference
Miller Photography
Presenter Christopher Barley of Essex Street Academy in Manhattan gets a kick out of how Monica Cabrera of Bryant HS in Queens acts out an Italian phrase during a workshop.

More than 200 participants at the New York City Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT’s 22nd annual conference left UFT headquarters in Manhattan “with a repertoire of materials that will keep them busy for the next few months of teaching,” said teacher Nunzia Manginelli of Esperanza Preparatory Academy in Manhattan, the group’s vice president and the conference chairperson. The Nov. 16 event featured 20 workshops, many hands-on, around the theme “World Language Proficiencies: Celebrating Our Shift to Global Connections.” Twelve of the workshops were in Spanish, three each in Italian and French, and two in Chinese. They did everything from deepen understanding of core practices to foster camaraderie through “speed dating” with Cantonese flash cards. Robin Birnbaum, a Spanish teacher at Brooklyn’s Edward R. Murrow HS, said a session in Chinese was especially illuminating for her. “It was wonderful to experience learning similar to that of my students,” she said.

Professional Conference for All Second Language Teachers
Presenter Christopher Barley of Essex Street Academy in Manhattan gets a kick out of how Monica Cabrera of Bryant HS in Queens acts out an Italian phrase during a workshop at the NYC Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT’s annual conference at UFT headquarters in Manhattan on Nov. 16.
Miller Photography
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Professional Conference for All Second Language Teachers
Presenter Christopher Barley of Essex Street Academy in Manhattan gets a kick out of how Monica Cabrera of Bryant HS in Queens acts out an Italian phrase during a workshop at the NYC Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT’s annual conference at UFT headquarters in Manhattan on Nov. 16.
Miller Photography
Professional Conference for All Second Language Teachers
Robin Birnbaum (right) of Edward R. Murrow HS in Brooklyn laughs her way through a group “speed dating” activity that utilized Cantonese phrases written on cards.
Miller Photography
Professional Conference for All Second Language Teachers
Nunzia Manginelli of Esperanza Preparatory Academy in Manhattan, the vice president of the NYC Association of Foreign Language Teachers and conference chairperson, addresses the gathering.
Miller Photography
Professional Conference for All Second Language Teachers
Sharing their conference experiences are (from left) Luisa Orlovac of James Madison HS in Brooklyn, Babou Ido of PS/MS 95 in the Bronx and Irma Evangelista, the president of the NYC Association of Foreign Language Teachers.
Miller Photography
Professional Conference for All Second Language Teachers
Jorge Chan (left) of Humanities HS in the Bronx and Arelis Reynoso of Bronx Theater HS enjoy the Activities, Engagement and Assessment workshop.
Miller Photography