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Safety first

New York Teacher

We’re entering our eighth month of life under COVID-19, and our lives continue to be shaped and constrained by the dangers posed by the virus. Where outbreaks have occurred in New York City this fall, the state and the city temporarily suspended in-person instruction. Overall the city has maintained a low rate of infection and schools have remained largely free of the virus. But we cannot be complacent. 

The UFT’s 50-point safety plan for schools remains essential for staff and students working in school buildings. The Department of Education agreed to the plan as a condition of reopening the schools, but you should sound the alarm about any lapses. If you have any safety concerns, please alert your chapter leader and your school’s COVID-19 Building Response Team. We need your help to keep our workplaces safe. Information is key. 

Every building should have a nurse. If your school does not have one, please alert the union. Are there enough cleaning supplies, gloves, face shields and masks in your building? The DOE has promised to ensure that schools always have a 30-day supply of personal protective equipment on hand and said it will replenish those supplies on a daily basis if necessary. Let’s hold it to that commitment. 

Are students and staff wearing their masks properly and consistently? Are they social distancing? We need to hold each other accountable as well. 

Is your school ventilation system working properly? Custodial staff are performing regular maintenance on all heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Most school custodians have been good partners, but any issue should be brought to the attention of the chapter leader and the COVID-19 Building Response Team.

Members have the power and the responsibility to speak up when they see a failure to abide by the safety protocols. Don’t settle for less than what we fought hard for to keep our school communities safe.