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Q & A on the issues

UFT parental leave

The UFT in 2018 was the first municipal union in New York City to secure paid parental leave for its members. Parents of any gender may be eligible to take UFT parental leave following the birth, adoption or foster care placement of a child under the age of 6. This leave can be coupled with CAR days to extend the time new mothers have with a new baby. The following FAQ provides answers to the most-asked questions from members.

Career advancement opportunities for paraprofessionals

By accumulating college credits, paraprofessionals can significantly increase their pay. Whether your career path as a paraprofessional leads you to earn a bachelor’s degree or to earn a master’s degree and become a certified teacher, several UFT-backed programs provide professional and financial support. Read our FAQ to learn more about these career advancement opportunities.

Using Teacher’s Choice

Teacher’s Choice, initiated by the UFT over 30 years ago, allows school staff members to exercise their professional judgment to purchase supplementary supplies and materials to improve the educational experience for their students. Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions about the program.  

The rules regarding teacher evaluations

The following Q&A answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the teacher evaluation system for the 2024-25 school year.

Obtaining required CTLE credits

The New York State Board of Regents requires certain teachers and paraprofessionals to collect and track professional learning credits called CTLE hours to maintain their state certifications. The following Q&A will help you learn more about these CTLE requirements.

Voting in your chapter elections

Every three years, UFT members vote for chapter leaders, delegates and paraprofessional representatives. For this election cycle, we are reverting to the pre-pandemic election procedures that were in place for decades. See some answers to common questions about chapter elections below.