Your well-being
Effective communication
Communication is essential for building positive relationships at work. It fosters teamwork and collaboration, and it helps everyone to thrive. But what are the building blocks of good communication?
Healing from burnout
Burnout is a real risk for professionals in the helping professions, which include UFT members in education and health care. If you feel dread at the prospect of going to work, you may be suffering from this condition.
Ready, set, recharge!
Educators and other professionals can benefit from taking time to reflect, release tension and recharge. Summer is a great time to slow down and reset, but don’t wait for summer for self-care!
Daily meditation
Meditation can lower your stress level, reduce anxiety and depression, increase your ability to concentrate and bring a sense of calm and purpose to your life.
Love as a language
While we tend to think of romantic love around Valentine’s Day, there’s also love of family and friends, self-love, and love of learning, nature, beauty and more.
Tackling burnout
Educators have stressful jobs with long hours and a range of challenges, and they may experience burnout as a result. Here are some signs of burnout and ways to address it.