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Building discussion in your math classroom

When I became a middle school math teacher 12 years ago, one of the first things I noticed was how chatty students can be. So I was surprised when, after I asked my students to discuss a math problem, strategy or solution with their group members...

Sound initiative

As part of a speech literacy initiative launched by the Department of Education in 2014 in about 150 schools, Marjorie James pushes into the kindergarten Integrated Co-Teaching class at the East Elmhurst Community School three times a week and works...

The flipped classroom model

The flipped classroom — which reverses the traditional model of delivering direct instruction in class and assigning practice and activities for homework — is not for everyone. Here are some of the advantages and drawbacks of the model so you can...

Teacher prep enrollment drops sharply

Enrollment in teacher preparation programs has declined across the United States by more than a third since 2010, according to a new study from the Center for American Progress

No reason to blow off STEAM

If you are an educator without any formal training or background in science, being told to teach STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) may seem daunting. There’s the fear of the unknown, the fear of failure, the fear of not...

UFT professional learning opportunities

The UFT offers high-quality courses and workshops designed and delivered by teachers and other educators through the UFT Teacher Center and LearnUFT and at its citywide conferences and summer institutes.

Keep the home-school bond alive all year

Now that the school year is well underway, take some time to think about the ways you’ll keep your students’ families informed and engaged throughout the year.

Creating classroom ‘Harmony’

In June 2019, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza announced a major expansion of programs to address social-emotional learning across New York City public schools, which will provide every school with access to a social...

Developing leaders

Wearing jeans, a T-shirt and sneakers — with her hair in a ponytail — math teacher Danielle Tutelian doesn’t look much older than her students at the Bronx HS of Business. That works to her advantage.

Your students can be graphic novelists

By reading graphic novels and going through the graphic narrative process with the students, I shared an important interest of theirs and saw them take intense ownership of their learning.