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Frequently Asked Questions

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A list of the most commonly asked questions.

How do I let the UFT know that my address has changed?

It is essential to keep your personal information up to date to ensure the receipt of the New York Teacher, information about UFT activities and Welfare Fund health benefits. There are several ways you can update your address:

If calling, mailing or emailing your address change, please include your first and last name, last four digits of your Social Security number, file or EIS number (DOE), current address, telephone number (home and/or cell phone), and personal email address

Can teachers take time off for religious observance for important holidays in their faith?

Yes. You may use your three personal business days for religious observance. These will be deducted from your CAR (sick bank) or you may take a pay deduction for each day that you do not report to work. The deducted amount will equal the amount that it would cost for a per diem teacher. You must fill out an OP 201 form: For more info:

Is the Open Market the only way that I can seek a position in another school?

No, it isn’t. You may contact any school by phone, mail or in person whether or not it lists a current transfer on the Open Market website. The UFT/DOE collective-bargaining agreement gives members the right to apply to as many schools as they wish during the Open Market period and to accept a transfer before the period ends. (After that date, your principal must release you.) The Open Market Transfer website is a tool to identify vacancies, but other means of contact are permissible.

See more about Open Market and transfers

What is the process for the creating the professional activity menu and teacher selection?

The Chapter Leader and the Principal consult on the activities, number of positions, qualifications, and duties and responsibilities for each activity. Teachers should be given a preference sheet with all of that information listed, and they get to choose three of these activities. Teachers should state three preferences in order from that list. Prior to the end of the school year, teachers should be notified in writing by the principal as to their professional activity assignment for the upcoming year. 

How is my salary determined?
Your base salary depends on three factors: your experience, your academic credits and your length of service in the city’s public schools. Experience determines what step you are on; your academic credits determine what differentials you receive; and your service in the city’s public schools determines your longevity payments.
What is a salary step? How do I apply for one?

A salary step is an increase in salary based on experience. With continuous service you move up a half-step twice a year — although there may be no monetary difference between the “A” and “B” levels within one year. These “steps” occur on your equated appointment date and on March 1. New teachers must complete an online salary step application. Most new teachers start at Step 1A, but you may start at a higher step if you taught outside the city’s public schools or did regular substitute or per diem service for the DOE or — for certain licenses — had non-teaching experience related to your teaching position. If you believe you qualify for additional salary credit, you must apply within six months of the date you are appointed to your current position. Once your previous experience is verified and your application is processed, you will receive a Certificate of Salary Status. You must be on payroll on March 1 to receive the respective step increase. If you are on an approved leave of absence without pay, your equated date will be recalculated. Those who have a separation of service must complete a new salary step placement application to be placed on the correct step.

What is longevity as it applies to your salary? When do we get pay increases based on longevity?

Longevity increases are based on your years working as a pedagogue in the city’s public schools. You will automatically receive a longevity salary increase after you have completed five, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20 and 22 years in the system.

How do I get paid during the summer?

Pedagogues and paraprofessionals receive 24 semi-monthly checks — 20 for your service from September to June and four for July and August. To be eligible for full vacation pay, you need to have worked the entire school year. If you worked less than a full school year, your vacation pay will be prorated.

How can I be sure the incident or violation was reported to the DOE?

You can request or have your chapter leader request an Online Occurrence Report System control number.

Who decides what goes into the safety plan at my school?

There is a standard template that is completed by your School Safety Committee. This committee meets at least once a month and includes the UFT chapter leader, the principal and the PA or PTA president.

Or, at the minimum, the members of the committee include: the principal, principal(s)/designee of any other schools, programs and academies operating at the site, UFT chapter leader, parent association president/designee, school safety agent(s) – level 3/designee, NYPD Precinct C.O./designee, and custodial engineer/designee. All parties listed above must sign-off on the plan.