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Article Fourteen — Union Security

Contract Search

  1. It shall be a condition of employment that every Employee who is a member of the Union in good standing as of the date of execution of this Agreement shall remain a member in good standing.

  2. Those Employees who are not members on the date of execution of this Agreement shall become and remain members in good standing of the Union or may become an agency fee payer no later than thirty (30) days following the date of execution of this Agreement.

  3. After the date of execution of this Agreement every newly hired Employee will become a member of the Union within thirty (30) days after the date of employment and thereafter will remain a member in good standing or may become an agency fee payer in accordance with applicable law.   In such cases the procedures herein applicable to Union dues shall apply with full force and effect to agency fees.
  4. “Good standing” for the purpose of this Article shall mean the payment or tender of periodic dues, uniformly required as a condition of membership, to the Union.

  5. The School shall provide suitable space for a bulletin board for the posting of official Union notices and information.   Union representatives shall have access to, and shall be permitted to communicate with Employees through Employee mailboxes, bulletin board, and School email accounts.   As much as practicable, communication shall be made electronically (e.g. via email).

  6. Union chapter meetings may be held on School premises at and for reasonable times during non-working hours and during lunch periods.   As much as practicable, the Union chapter will notify the School of such meetings prior to their occurrence.

  7. Any authorized Union representative (“Representative”) shall have the right of access to the School facilities including Employee mailboxes and Union bulletin boards.   Upon arriving at the School, the Representative shall notify the administration of his or her arrival.   Representatives shall not in any way interrupt any Employee’s duties or assignments.   The Representative may contact Employees before and after Employees’ hours of service or during lunch, preparation or non-teaching periods.

  8. There shall be monthly consultations between the Union chapter’s duly elected representative (the “Chapter Leader”) and the Principal.

  9. Copies of all School-wide memoranda, directives, or Board policy shall be sent to the Union’s Chapter Leader.

  10. The School’s UFT Chapter Leader and the School’s UFT Chapter Delegate shall be released, without any diminution in compensation, up to six (6) times combined during the 2009-2010 school year, up to eight (8) times combined for the 2010-2011 school year, and ten (10) times combined for the 2011-2012 school year at a time of day that allows for travel to and attendance at the UFT Delegate Assembly. The Chapter Leader shall inform the School of the schedule of Delegate Assemblies at the beginning of the school year.