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Frequently Asked Questions

Search for answers to your frequently asked questions by entering keywords in the search bar or choosing a category from the pull down menu above. 

A list of the most commonly asked questions.

How is my final rating determined?
  • Step One: The component ratings you received through observations will be combined into a MOTP rating of either Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective.
  • Step Two: Your student learning measures will be combined into a MOSL rating of either Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective.
  • Step Three: Both your MOTP and MOSL score will be combined into an overall rating of Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, or Ineffective using a specific matrix as seen here:
Teacher ratings - Measures of student learning

Teacher ratings - Measures of student learning


What happens to my seniority if I switch licenses?

If you switch licenses, you maintain all the seniority you have accrued. However, for excessing and layoff purposes, probationers are grouped separately from those who have completed probation. When you switch licenses, until you complete probation you will be grouped with probationers. Once you are tenured, you will assume your rightful place in seniority order, reflecting all your years of service in the DOE, within the new license.

We have already talked to our principal, the custodian and the Department of Education, but nothing has been done to address the air quality problems in our school. Can the UFT help?

When a school appears to have significant air quality problems that cannot be remedied at the school level, your chapter leader can notify your district representative who will, in turn, contact UFT Health and Safety Representatives. The UFT Health and Safety representative performs an initial investigation and, if warranted, can send the union’s industrial hygienists to inspect the school, identify problems and take air quality measurements if necessary.

What is COPE?

The Committee on Political Education (COPE) is the UFT’s political action arm. It funds lobbying of federal, state and city officials and helps elect candidates who support the union’s goals and positions, particularly in the areas of education, labor and human rights, regardless of party affiliation.

See the main COPE page for enrollment and more information. 

How can I contribute to COPE?

The simplest way to contribute to COPE is by signing a payroll deduction form, which pledges you to pay a specified amount of your choice each month to the COPE fund. You can contribute as much as you like; typically members contribute at least $5 per month. To sign up, see your chapter leader or contact COPE at 212-598-6850.

You can also get involved in COPE by participating in political actions. At election time, you can join the phone banking to UFT members or help get out the vote in your neighborhood for union-backed candidates. Between elections, you can attend meetings with elected officials to ensure they understand our issues and support our legislative priorities, write letters and e-mails, distribute literature, speak to civic groups in your community and attend rallies and other events. Speak to your UFT chapter leader about how to join your school’s political action team.

See the main COPE page for enrollment and additional information. 

I no longer want to contribute to COPE. How do I opt-out?

Mail or fax a paper stating you would like to cancel your COPE contribution. The request should include your Name, Member ID# or File# and most recent mailing address.

Once we receive the request, it is processed and sent to the City. Once processed by the City, the COPE deduction will come off payroll, which usually takes 1-2 pay cycles to complete.

Send requests to:

United Federation of Teachers
52 Broadway, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Fax: (212)-510-6435

How do I sign up for an information session about the Student Debt Relief program?

We have a page right on our website that lists all the upcoming sessions and a link to register:

Do I qualify for student debt relief? Do I need to consolidate my loans?

All individual questions about eligibility, requirements, and options need to be handled through a phone consultation with a loan specialist. First, sign up for an information session about our Student Debt Relief program to get the process started:

What is the student debt relief program?

The Student Debt Relief program is a special members-only program to help you navigate the federal public service loan forgiveness program and the federal Title 1 forgiveness program. We have partnered with an outside firm so that our members have access to experts who can help guide you and advise you.

To participate, first, sign up for an information session. After that session, you can make a phone appointment for an individual phone consultation with a loan specialist to go over your specific situation, see what you qualify for and come up with an action plan. This phone consultation is free for members only. Then, you can take the action plan you create and move forward on your own, or you can hire the outside company to do the work for you.

Can my husband/wife participate/attend a workshop/make an appointment to learn more about the Student Debt Relief program?

Only if they are also UFT members, as the Student Debt Relief program is exclusive to our members.