New York TeacherJanuary 3, 2019

Latest News

Chicago teachers hold first U.S. charter school strike

Teachers stung by grant program get reprieve

Mulgrew urges reps to use power in new contract
Although the new UFT contract doesn’t officially take effect until Feb. 14, UFT President Michael Mulgrew urged those attending the Delegate Assembly on Dec. 12 to start the utilizing the part of the agreement that gives new authority to chapter leaders to prod principals to address operational issues at their schools.

State lawmakers attend UFT forum
The UFT welcomed newly elected and veteran state lawmakers to a breakfast forum on Dec. 18 to educate them about three union-backed education initiatives that need funding in the upcoming state budget: the UFT Teacher Center, UFT Community Learning Schools and the Positive Learning Collaborative.

Trump administration lowers school nutrition standards
The Trump administration announced on Dec. 6 that it will lower health protections for school lunches.
Member Spotlight
Chapter Leader Shoutout

Kudos to Rose Marie Hannon, PS/MS 47, Queens
Chapter Leader Rose-Marie Hannon is working hard to get a new roof over the heads of staff and students at PS/MS 47 to end the chronic leaks, mold and odors that plague the school in Broad Channel, Queens, and create a safe and healthy work environment.
Around the UFT

UFT holiday party for homeless students
It was a day of wonder and thrills, a chance to fist-bump with the mighty Bumble Bee Transformer and dance with the Black Panther. But it was Santa Claus who won the hearts of the 120 children from homeless shelters across the city who lined up to whisper in his ear at the UFT’s annual holiday party, organized with the help of the Coalition for the Homeless, on Dec. 15.

UFT Teacher Center arts conference
The UFT Teacher Center’s Dec. 1 citywide arts conference, entitled “The Artistic Processes: Creating, Presenting, Responding and Connecting,” gave participants an opportunity to flex their own creative muscles.

Welfare Fund Medical Series seminar
A Memorial Sloan Kettering physician gave more than 70 UFT members and retirees tips on reducing their chance to get breast cancer and what to do if diagnosed with the disease.

UFT public advocate town halls
UFT members packed public advocate town halls at the union’s Queens borough office on Dec. 13 and at union headquarters on Dec. 18 to meet and ask questions of the candidates vying to succeed Leticia James as the New York City public advocate.

UFT Players perform ‘Rip Off’
The UFT Players, the union’s drama committee, had two packed houses on Dec. 6 and 7 for their performances of “Rip Off,” an original musical love story set in New York City and Naples, Italy.
More in Around the UFT
You Should Know
Grants, Awards & Freebies

Grants, Awards & Freebies
See our list of current opportunities for educators to receive funds and recognition for their hard work and dedication.
You Should Know

Jan. 18 deadline to submit Teacher’s Choice form
The deadline for spending your Teacher’s Choice funds is Jan. 13.
You Should Know

Paras and lunchroom duties
Paraprofessionals, including one-on-one paras, are entitled to a duty-free lunch period. Lunchroom supervision may not be assigned to paras.
Secure Your Future

Retiring in June? Take these steps first
If you are planning to retire at the end of June, this is the time to start thinking about what you need to do. Members of TRS and BERS often retire immediately after the school year ends. If you are considering this major step, you should attend to the following items now.

The struggle for adequate hospital staffing
Our goal is to provide excellent care and help patients achieve their optimum level of functioning. To reach that goal, we are committed to achieving staffing levels in hospitals that provide for safe patient care.
President's Perspective

Power tools to get the job done
As a chapter leader I always wanted better tools to resolve those kinds of issues without escalating them to a grievance, if possible. Now we have them.

Enhancing access
The largest school district in the nation has an unacceptably low number of buildings that are accessible for students with disabilities.

Learning together
The site coordinator at a new UFT Teacher Center in the Bronx recently told the New York Teacher about the time she stepped out of the center soon after it opened and “almost teared up” when she returned to find at least 10 educators helping each other in her absence.
Teaching Resources
Linking to Learning

Helping students boost typing skills
Explicitly teaching typing skills has gone out of fashion along with the typewriter, but the need to type fluently is still very much in demand. There are some excellent typing programs online that you can access with your class.
Teacher to Teacher

Launching a service learning project
Students do better in school when learning engages both their minds and their hearts. This dual approach is known as service learning — a teaching method that develops students’ skills and knowledge as they apply classroom lessons to meet real community needs.
Building Your Career
Building Your Career

Retired Teachers News

A great time to get political
This year is an off, off year for elections and that means we have a political breather. But it is not a time to be idle.

A Rose for retirees
The Retired Teachers Chapter’s general membership meeting on Dec. 4 in Shanker Hall, Manhattan, included some interesting speakers: