Teacher Leadership
Since 2014, the contract has provided an expanded career ladder for teachers, offering them opportunities and time to be instructional leaders and compensation for their time and commitment. These roles support schools' ability to:
- Provide teachers with meaningful ways to grow their careers. Teachers with effective teaching practices can move onto a clearly articulated career pathway for growth, which encourages our best teachers to stay in the classroom longer.
- Ensure that excellent instruction is prioritized across the city now and in the future. Teacher leader roles can augment the important work of developing teacher practice through peer support, collaboration and leadership.
- Create a culture of shared leadership that bolsters collaboration. Teacher leaders can expand their reach beyond the classroom by sharing best practices with colleagues and facilitating deeper collaboration within and across schools.
Learn more about these career pathways and roles on the DOE website.
Master teacher
Master teachers impact both local school culture and broader district level systems and structures through critical reflection on instructional practices to increase effectiveness for students.
Model teacher
Model teachers create a welcoming lab classroom environment for teachers to continuously and collaboratively reflect, grow, and explore innovative instructional strategies.
Peer collaborative teacher
Peer collaborative teachers support their colleagues through mentoring or coaching, intervisitation initiatives, collaborative teacher teams, and designing meaningful opportunities for professional growth.