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UFT Resolutions

Resolution on observations for tenured teachers returning from leave

UFT Resolutions

WHEREAS, according to DOE guidelines, the number of observations for tenured teachers is determined based on their prior ratings as follows 

  • HE in the prior year: minimum of two informal observations
  • E in the prior year and HE, E or S in the year before that: minimum of two informal observations
  • E in the prior year and D, I or U in the year before that: minimum of three informal observations
  • E in the prior year and No Rating in the year before that: minimum of one informal and one formal observation
  • D in the prior year: minimum of one formal and three informal observations
  • I in the prior year: minimum of one formal and four informal observations
  • No Rating in the prior year: minimum of one formal and three informal observations; and

WHEREAS, tenured teachers who are on a leave of absence for a year do not receive a rating, which then places them in the category to receive additional observations (three informal and one formal) upon their return; and

WHEREAS, this practice disproportionately impacts teachers on leave for reasons such as child care, line of duty, restoration of health, among other approved leaves; and

WHEREAS, it is inequitable to change the number of observations for teachers based on circumstances such as having a child or recovering from an injury sustained while working; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the UFT will advocate for tenured teachers who receive a “No Rating” due to their leave of absence to have their observation requirements determined based on their most recent full-year rating (within the prior three years) rather than arbitrarily increasing their minimum number of observations.