UFT Resolutions
Resolution on observations for tenured teachers returning from leave
The UFT will advocate for tenured teachers who receive a “No Rating” due to their leave of absence to have their observation requirements determined based on their most recent full-year rating.
Resolution to support additional time for special education teachers and related service providers to work on IEPs
The UFT will continue to fight for additional time during the school day for special education teachers and related service providers to work on IEPs to ensure that students with disabilities receive the best possible educational experience.
Resolution to ensure equitable funding and resource allocation for Career and Technical Education programs
The UFT calls upon the DOE and NYSED to establish dedicated funding streams for CTE programs at the federal and state levels.
Resolution in support of teacher voice in the use of P-12 curricula
The UFT will continue to support and defend a teacher's right to adapt the curriculum to benefit their students and to use teacher-created assessments based on their own knowledge of students’ work.
Resolution: No changes to UFT members' healthcare without Delegate Assembly approval
Any significant changes to members’ healthcare will be submitted to the Delegate Assembly for approval, and the UFT will never agree to forcing any retired member into a Medicare Advantage Plan.
Resolution on IEP writing during contractual work hours
The United Federation of Teachers calls on all members to adhere to the principle that IEP writing should occur exclusively during contractual work hours.