UFT Resolutions
Resolution to stand against gun violence
The union supports Governor Hochul’s measures in New York, reaffirms its longstanding support for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines, as well as other gun safety laws, and will work with the American Federation of Teachers at the national level both to overcome the obstacles to these commonsense safety measures and to organize other means of harnessing the power of our local and national organizations to confront and end this ongoing national tragedy.
Decorum resolution
We the members and delegates of the United Federation of Teachers regardless of any caucus or affiliation recommit ourselves to the principles of respectful and open debate; be it resolved, that we affirm our commitment to argue our differences without attacking the intention or integrity of individuals.
Asian American curriculum resolution
The UFT supports the inclusion of AAPIs in the DOE Mosaic Curriculum; and may it be further resolved, that the UFT partner with the Asian American Education Project in moving forward state legislation supporting the inclusion of curriculum representing AAPI history.
Resolution on school-related personnel
The UFT recognizes our outstanding school-related professionals and pays tribute to them for their important contributions to the New York City school system and to the United Federation of Teachers.
Resolution on observing a moment of silence in NYC public schools in commemoration of 9/11 on the anniversary or the first school day afterwards
Our union calls on the city and the DOE to implement a moment of silence to mark 9/11 and provide city students with a developmentally-appropriate and instructionally-sound social studies/history/community learning curriculum about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Resolution to support the elimination of distributive scoring for high school Regents exams
The UFT calls on the Chancellor to reinstate Regents scoring at the home school when there is adequate staff to comply with state regulations, so that teachers can remain at their regularly assigned sites.