Frequently Asked Questions
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A list of the most commonly asked questions.
If your class exceeds the maximum number of students permitted, notify your chapter leader immediately.
During the first 10 days of school (and the first 10 days of each term), the chapter leader and the principal will attempt to informally resolve all class-size issues. If the matter is still unresolved on the 19th day of the school term, the UFT district rep and the superintendent will meet to resolve the issue for any class exceeding the maximum limits set forth in the contract.
On the 21st day of the term, the Class Size Labor Management Committee will deal with any remaining oversized classes and will meet until all schools with an oversized class have had the issue addressed. If the committee cannot resolve the issues within the school, the UFT may file a demand for arbitration within two school days of the committee addressing the school. Arbitration will start withing five days of the filing of the demand.
If you receive additional students during the year that put your class size over the contractual limit notify your chapter leader at the time as well.
Yes, but permits are only issued to vehicles registered in four states: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.
The last three DOE-UFT contracts contain provisions for paperwork reduction. If members are asked to complete redundant or excessive paperwork, you can raise this with your school's chapter leader, who is empowered to resolve these issues. A chapter leader may bring the issue to the principal's attention in a one-on-one meeting, a consultation committee gathering or via email. Also, the chapter leader should fill out an online operational report the same day they notify their principal. If the matter is not addressed after five school days of submitting the report, it can be escalated to the district level, or then to the central committee, and if still unresolved, these issues can ultimately be brought to arbitration.
The DOE and the UFT issued updated paperwork standards and labor guidance on Paperwork and Operational Issues for administratorsto reflect new agreements in the 2023 contract. Read more about paperwork reduction »
See your school's chapter leader, who can bring this issue up with your principal. The DOE must provide teachers with a semester or year-long curriculum in all core subjects which are aligned with state standards. Curriculum means: (a) a list of content and topics; (b) a scope and sequence; and, (c) a list of what students are expected to know and be able to do after studying each topic.
Core subjects are: Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Science, Foreign Languages, and other subject areas named by the DOE and shared with the UFT. Core course curriculum should be supplied even in cases where the courses may be electives.
However, the sufficiency and the quality of the curriculum provided is not grievable.
Teachers may still voluntarily write their own curriculum, and if the DOE or a school administrator specifically requests a teacher to write a curriculum, there must be sufficient time given during the work day or paid time after school via per-session in order to do so.
You must register in advance for all UFT Teacher Center credit-bearing courses. For course registration, visit
School staff members should apply using the following link:
If your permit is lost, damaged or stolen, you may report it by using the DOE Parking Permit portal and choosing the option that reads, "Report & Replace Lost/Stolen/Damaged Permit." The portal can be found at:
Before a replacement can be issued, damaged permits must be returned to:
Division of School Facilities
ATTN: DOE Parking Permit Unit
44-36 Vernon Blvd., 5th floor
Long Island City, NY 11101
In addition, a police report must accompany any replacement request for a lost or stolen permit.
Your employee reference number is the seven-digit employee identification number found on your DOE pay stub.
The workday of a substitute teacher is fixed at 6 hours and 50 minutes, inclusive of lunch, every day (Monday through Friday), regardless of a school's professional development or parent engagement schedule. Substitutes may not leave before they have completed a full 6 hours and 50 minute workday, even if students have been dismissed.
During the extra 30 minutes when students are not in attendance, the DOE's expectation is that you will attend 30 minutes of the professional development sessions, or on non-PD days, spend the time leaving an account for the teacher you covered, planning for the following day, reflecting on the day, returning and organizing class materials, reviewing records for accuracy, meeting with colleagues to obtain feedback, or carrying out other instructional/classroom administrative tasks which might be assigned.
The daily rate of pay for a substitute teacher, effective Feb. 1, 2019, is $188.75. Effective May 14, 2020,, it was$193.47; and effective May 14, 2021, it was $199.27. Effective Sept. 14, 2022, the pay rate is $205.25. The workday is fixed at 6 hours and 50 minutes per day, inclusive of lunch.