UFT Resolutions
Resolution to promote humanitarianism in the Middle East
The United Federation of Teachers calls upon those working to de-escalate the conflict also work to promote humanitarianism. The UFT remains committed to the founding principles of building across differences for a better world.
Endorsement of candidates for city offices: contingency resolution
The UFT Delegate Assembly authorizes the union's Executive Board to consider, make or modify political endorsements during the summer in order to have a timely impact on any such campaigns.
Resolution to extend the hybrid DA rules
Since the hybrid UFT Delegate Assemblies continue to garner higher participation, therefore, the rules of order adopted in June 2021 to allow hybrid shall be continued for the 2023-24 school year.
NYC Council endorsement resolution
The UFT announced endorsements of 25 New York City Council candidates in this year's citywide local elections.
Resolution to reduce United States maternal mortality rates
The United Federation of Teachers calls upon healthcare organizations to offer ongoing resources, education and professional development for those providing reproductive care in effort to decrease maternal mortality rates
Resolution on the New York City budget for Fiscal Year 2023
The UFT will urge the DOE to allocate funding to schools to allow them to restore critical programs and positions eliminated during FY2023, maintain or supplement current staffing levels at schools and to help them reach the smaller class size caps that are mandated by the new state law.