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UFT Resolutions

Resolution in support of just, respectful and safe public safety practices for all

The United Federation of Teachers condemns all forms of police violence, particularly against Black individuals, and we encourage ongoing education and dialogue within our schools and communities to raise awareness about the impact of police violence and to work together to build a more just and equitable society for all.

Resolution supporting KCVG Amazon workers

The UFT stands in solidarity with the “Unionize Amazon: Northern Kentucky KCVG” organizing committee and will render all possible mutual aid to these workers in their struggle.

Resolution supporting New York City's public libraries

The UFT resolves to convey the urgent need to support libraries to the City Council and other agencies, as they are a necessity for the children we serve. The union will work with NYSUT to influence legislation requiring adequate funding and staffing of both public and school libraries across the state, and the UFT will arrange an action to support our libraries and librarians.

Resolution supporting the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers

The UFT stands in solidarity with our labor siblings here and abroad, especially with the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers of Britain, offering support where possible. The UFT will educate our members on the labor struggles that face working people both in this country and across the globe.

Opposition to the US Food and Drug Administration's policy for blood donations from members of the LGBTQIA+ community

The UFT work with the AFT, Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the American Red Cross, the National Black Leadership Commission on Health (NBLCH), and other Human and Civil Rights Advocates to call on the USFDA to revoke the blood donation ban on members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Supporting newly arrived educators exploited by DOE administrators

The United Federation of Teachers will work with the AFT to support international teachers who were exploited by DOE administrators and will fight to ensure these teachers are covered by the same rights and protections of all current UFT members.